Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hollow Earth Network Radio - 2-13-12

Interesting Call but Discernment Advised:

Hollow Earth Network Radio
Monday, February 13 2012
MP3 Audio Recording :

Billie responds to selected questions pre-submitted by listeners... What are the humming boxes on the beaches?  How do 3D and 4D Humans adapt to Hollow Earth?  Difference between Hollow and Inner Earth?  Zorra tells more about the Neptune ... a mere 2,000 feet in diameter! Why did the planned "Joy Ride" fail?  Dale invites Steve Beckow, Linda Dillon, Grener, Arch Angel Michael to next show.  Why do other groups say that people will remain on surface after December 21 2012?  WILL THEY???  
Why not?  Surprise about Neptune visitor.