Monday, March 26, 2012

Dinar Guru Intel Updates - 3/26/12

3-26-2012  Intel Guru ScottiG   I received information last week that we should see the adjustment of value to the IQD by that Tuesday.  Their perspective inside the inner network of the CBI, Parliament and the ISX have provided a view that has been greatly valued. When we did not see the much anticipated adjustment we were informed that there were a lot of upset leaders of many governments and that they had a powwow conference call. The end result of that call is that a certain King was said to have given the PM of Iraq some clear insight to what would happen should the RV not be completed prior to the Arab Summit.  I will say that I am most hopeful that this investment is completed and we will see the fruition of our dreams and hopes any day now. Beyond that I dare not speculate.

3-26-2012  Newshound Guru Historian    There really isn't anywhere that we can look anymore to find out the timeline of the RV.  It's all behind the scenes now.  Iraq is "done", the preparation for multiple currency RVs is "done", the global banking systems are "done", the banks are generally ready and so "done".   All we can do right now is wait and prepare ourselves for what is to COULD happen any day. And it has been at that point for quite some time.


3-26-2012  Intel Guru BWM    I can tell you this...was this "supposed" to go last night and be at banks this morning? Most of the information I have says, "yes" and yet here we sit asking ourselves "where is it"...while we continue to feel that the information we receive is clear and concise the cruel reality is that we don't know what other "forces" have the final release to actually allow this to be seen EVERYWHERE...the answers may not always be available or what we want to here... but we still have FAITH that this is the end.

3-26-2012  Newshound Guru Doc   [Post 2 of 2]  We uncovered a recent article that we think is self explanatory as to rate.  The article quoted a CBI source as saying "Central Bank will raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually towards the day to begin replacement where the value will be in the absence of a wiggle one equivalent of IQD one US dollar".  We learn two things from this source.  One the rate will be in the neighborhood of 1 to 1.  This pretty well kills the $8+ and $14+ irresponsible rumors.  We also maintain it dispels the theory of $3+. The second thing we learn is the initial rate may be less than 1 to 1 and gradually raised to $1.  How much less is still a guess.  What we do know is the rate needs to be a little greater than $1 for dedollarization to happen.  An additional quote confirmed that the CBI wants the dinar as the currency of choice going into 2013.  We believe this all bodes well for the RV to happen if not this week then certainly no later than the June-September window.  We report, you decide.

3-26-2012 Newshound Guru  SWFloridaGuru  It's far easier to be happy with this investment when we have a balanced approach and realize currency plays don't happen over night and that's ok.  Iraq is clearly on the way to having a tradeable currency once again. All the signs are there and all we can do is monitor progress being made, remain hopeful and see how this plays out. Thank god we're 9 years into this and the biggest problem we have is trying to figure out what is left to accomplish.  Issues that have been around for years have been resolved and we speculate we're very close to the end.

3-26-2012  Intel Guru FreewayBill   Everything is being done to try to bring this RV home...If you want to look at who is making it take so much time, look no further than your own country...The rest of the countries are ready...This has been much of the case throughout the last year...The Wizard in the WH somehow has it in his mind that the world revolves around him...Remember this journey in November folks...But the good news is that all is good and the blessing is coming at an accelerated pace.

3-26-2012  Newshound Guru Doc  [Post 1 of 2]   We have seen a tremendous amount of contradictory information this weekend.  First that the NC was happening now and then Talabani was quoted as saying it will not begin until April 5th.  Next several articles indicated that the deleting the zeros had already began then one stated that the Economic Committee was studying whether to drop the project.  If that isn't confusing enough another article talked about a unified GCC currency to take effect 2015.  We have been asked if we believe this is all the smoke before the fire.  We still believe that things like chapter 7, HCl, currency laws, etc. need to proceed the RV and...could  miraculously appear completed this week.  While the situation is encouraging...maintain the big picture focus and don't take every tidbit of news as THE signal for the RV.   ["continued in post 2...stay tuned"]

3-26-2012  Intel Guru Poppy3   dr. shabibi never stated he would rv prior to the summit but he did say give him the ministers and activate the erbil and he will rv the dinar. The purpose of the national conference was to do just what he ask and as i understand the n/c meetings will take place today and or tomorrow.  the summit is not till thursday and I and all my sources have said anytime prior to the SUMMIT and these pre meeting tomorrow and wed. are not the Summit they are exactly what they said they are, prepatory meeting Planning for the Summit.

3-26-2012  Intel Guru FreewayBill   Tremendous amount of misinformation coming out...I have heard so many different stories on when the RV will show and what the rate will be, it makes me feel that this is what we are suppose to be seeing right before the end...Confusion is a master's tool to surprise...Just relax and let this RV unfold right before your eyes.

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