Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tolec: Andromeda Council Gives A Response About Spherical Object and Tornado

Thanks to viewers who pointed this out to us. ~e
Andromeda Council Gives A Response About Spherical Object and Tornado

From - powerfultools4life - came this question today, March 12, 2012: " Tolec... just take a quick 1 minute look to see what this thing is attached to the sun. Could you please ask the AC is this is them, or another planet, or a ship, who knows? It was uploaded on[to the web] 11th March 2012 ".

ANSWER: I, Tolec, watched the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ7RaOMHb5I&sns=fb video, and simultaneosly showed it to the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere. Here was his complete response about this situation:

"This explanation is three-fold:

a. What appears to be a connective 'umbilical cord' is functionally the same thing. It is a conduit that is connected from one of our Andromeda Council biospheres to your sun. The reason that the color of our biosphere is black and dark is because an ultraviolet radioactive protective shield is in place to protect the biosphere while the work is being done. This biosphere is one of the Andromeda Council's ships. The technology being used originated on the planet Terial in the Mirach star system.

b. This work being done to feed and transfer via the connective 'umbilical cord', the conduit, to the Sun - the proper amount & adjusted vibratory rate - helium to help raise the overall vibrational frequency of the Sun so that it will become a blue white star. This work is being done in addition to the 4th dimensional frequency rays eminating from the new crystal blue star, that used to be comet Holmes 17P, that is now also bathing Earth in these frequencies, as well as your sun.

c. During this time of the solar flares storms, know that we also use shield technology from our combined biospheres to protect the various planets of your solar system, including Earth, to minimize the strength & frequency of solar flares in recent days, as well as in the coming days.

Know that we are monitoring the solar flare storms of your sun. They will lessen with time.

There will be more signs in the sky for your astronomers and other prospective fields of science to see, or shall I say, activities in the skies will become more active in appearance. People will see things that they have never seen before.

I am reassuring the people of Earth that we have the best experts in the field of quantum star phenomena to bring about evolvement of the Sun, and the entire solar system, without side effects (i.e. radiation from the flares, heat storms, fires, etc.) as part of the overall changes to the solar system, including your planet.

Know that this solar system will become a binary star system. Thus, we will have a blue white star shining in your solar system, your evolved sun, and a smaller reddish star, Tekoma, that will bring about the beautiful colorful prism of rays to Earth for the 4th dimensional life that will exist on the planet.

Be at wodakote.

Primary Andromeda Council Biosphere"



Huge Sphere in Sun's Corona!

Update - Unidentified Object SUN! March 12, 2012