Friday, March 9, 2012

Why is President Obama hiding his real identity?

Why is President Obama hiding his real identity? 
March 9, 2012

I consider myself an independent when it comes to the USA political system as I am liberal, moderate, and conservative depending on the issue at hand.  I only voted for one president my entire life as I had an urge to vote for "CHANGE".  Obama seemed to be the candidate that represented that change I was seeking for. I did vote for Obama back in 2008 on the basis of transparency of the government and "CHANGE I could believe in".  I do not feel he has CHANGED anything at this moment in time and the argument can be made that it is even worse since Bush left office. There is also a point of view that Obama is a Trojan Horse placed in a position of authority to help Interpol and the World Courts gain access and jurisdiction to help arrest those who have committed crimes against humanity. It may well be that Obama is part of a complex plan to rid the corruption taking place on a massive scale in Washington DC and Wall Street or it could very well be that he is just another New World Order (NWO) puppet.

Most evidence points to his support for the implementation of the NWO agenda, especially when Obama signed the (NDAA) National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The NDAA gave power to the military to arrest an American Citizen and detain them without trial or jury.  Our rights as an American Citizen granted by the Constitution of the United States of America had been wiped away from the signing of this Bill. I don't know how anybody could accept this bill as constitutionally legal as there is no legitimate argument to bypass 5th and 6th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. This bill is absolutely illegal!

There has been a truth movement to find out who Obama really is.  The truth movement is supported by many different types of people who have many different agendas as to why they want answers regarding Obama's birth certificate and identity.  Some of these people are doing it for pure political reasons, some of the people are racist, some are just republicans or tea party people who are jumping on the band wagon because they don't want a democrat in office, some are doing it because they truly want evidence that Obama is legal as President, some are doing it because they were presented with a Birth Certificate released by the White House and realize that it is a completely fraudulent document.  I am part of the latter group also known as a Truth Seeker.

So instead of just listening to what the News Media presents or what the Tea Party people say, I decided to get off my gluteus maximus and actually see if this whole birth certificate issue can be put to rest.

I have personally confirmed that the Obama Birth Certificate released by the White House is indeed a falsified certificate. I went through the process of downloading the original document released by the White House at  I then used my Adobe Illustrator to see if in fact this birth certificate has "layers", basically showing if the certificate has been manipulated using graphics software.  I saw it with my own eyes, it is a FACT that the Obama Birth Certificate is not the original scanned document.

Why would the White House release an easily identifiable and falsified document that can be proven to be manipulated using commonly used graphics software?   My question I want answered is : Why are they hiding Obama's real birth certificate?

There are a couple of theories why Obama and the White House administration are keeping a lid on Obama's real identity. The most common that we hear from the media and political groups is that he was born in Kenya.  Do I prescribe to this theory? No.  Is it a possibility that he was born in another country? Yes.  The next paragraph will give you another POSSIBLE theory in which I first heard from a Whistleblower named Fran which can be listened to at this link.....
I then heard it again from a contact who is a very interesting character so I will present it to you as another possible theory . So why are they hiding Obama's real birth certificate and identity?

I have been given an answer to this question by a source that says he has [paraphrase] "Galactic Clearance". He says Obama was born in Hawaii in 1962 and is a US Citizen.  He also claims that Obama is the son of Stanley Ann Dunham and his real biological father was Malcom Little, also known as Malcom X.  This is the main reason for the secrecy involved with the falsified birth certificate that has been released by the White House.  My source has also told me that Obama is a Star-Seed from the star/planet Sirius B and his soul purpose was to help oust the dark cabal from power during this time in 2012.  He apparently has been playing a role as a double agent or triple agent depending on what side you look at this from.  He has been going along with the NWO plans but when it comes time for the transition he will help the White Knights, Earth Allies, White Hats, Galactic Federation of Light, and other "positive" groups to reveal the truth.

At this point I do not know what to believe when it comes to Obama but I will stick with the opinion that he is a double agent who is working for the betterment of humanity.  My opinion will change in the months to follow if the status quo of corruption, war, and the deterioration of constitutional rights continues in Washington DC.

President Obama still has till the end of this year to live up to his camping slogan of  "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN". CHANGE is what I voted for. If nothing changes for the better at the end of his term than my vote is for Ron Paul.


Below are some videos of interest relating to the Obama Birth Certificate issue.