US War Veterans Tossing Medals Back at NATO Was Heroic Act
Nato summit leaders should have been forced to watch the moving protest of the former troops chucking their medals away
by Bernard Harcourt,
Nato summit leaders ‘were busy posing for photo ops’ as war veterans staged protest. Photograph: Reuters
“No amount of medals, ribbons, or flags can cover the amount of human suffering caused by this war.”In the shadow of the Nato summit, under the watchful eyes of a phalanx of full-black-clad riot police, dozens of former servicemen and women in uniform, veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, threw away their medals, with apologies.
“I have only one word, and it is shame.”
“This is for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.”
“Mostly, I’m sorry. I’m sorry to all of you. I am sorry…”

U.S. war veterans flash the peace sign before throwing their medals
towards the site of the NATO Summit in Chicago. Photo credit: Daily
Mail, UK.
Operation Iraqi Freedom medal. Tossed. Global War on Terror medal. Thrown. National Defense medal. Pitched. Marine Corps Good Conduct medal. Flung. Navy and Marine Corps medal. Chucked.
Most of the reporting of the demonstrations that met the summit will focus on the minor violence, on the few clashes between protesters and police, on the blood, on everything that happened after the peaceful march was over. In our sad world of spectacle, the pushing and shoving will be all that gets our attention. It is a pity.

A U.S. war veteran pulls his medals off his uniform before throwing
them towards the site of the NATO Summit in Chicago Sunday . Photo
Credit: Daily Mail, UK

Anger: Many of the veterans wore black anti-war t-shirts underneath their military uniform. Photo Credit : Daily Mail, UK
If only the Nato leaders had listened.
These courageous women and men, these veterans brought to a close a remarkably peaceful anti-Nato march with more than 10,000 protesters – supported by so many more who chanted with them along the route.
“I am returning my medal today because I want to live by my conscience, rather than be a prisoner of it.”
“I apologise to the Iraqi and Afghani people for destroying your countries.”
“I don’t want these anymore.”
Editing: Debbie Menon