Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/19/12

 tremendously on our shared mission.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/19/12 ‘Message in a Bottle’

The messages that we share with you are intended to act as torchlight to lead those of you out of the darkness of a lack of information and into the light where you will find more answers and more solutions to the obstacles that present themselves to you throughout your day. Our messages are not intended to convince anyone of anything, or make anyone believe anything that they are not prepared or they do not wish to see or understand at this time. Our messages are not intended to awaken those who do not yet choose to awaken. Our messages are not designed for such a purpose, and therefore would not be able to successfully complete this task as they hold no properties to prove anything to anyone or to awaken anyone from their slumber. Do you understand this? Do you understand that our messages cannot be used in this way as they are not meant to be used in this way and possess no abilities to produce results in this way?  
 What these messages are designed for is to allow those who have chosen to awaken and are looking for higher and greater understandings to be able to access a fountain of information for this thirst of knowledge and understanding of what it is that is transpiring here in their world around them and within them at the same time. What we would like to see more of you doing is using our messages for the purpose that they were intended, as a source for information only for those who seek it. This would greatly enhance the effects they are intended for, and your efforts in this light would assist us tremendously on our shared mission. 

 We thank those of you who make such efforts to share our messages far and wide and we say to you we do not wish you to stop or let up on these efforts, but say to you to choose more carefully who it is you are sharing these messages with. There are those that just simply are not ready for this kind of information that at this point for them on their journey is quite startling and beyond the reaches of believability for them. We understand that there are many of you who find this information quite the contrary and very believable and understandable, and that this information that we provide to you actually makes greater sense than any other scenario that many of you have found as implausible as to the reasons why you are here and the reasons responsible for the nature of this world. We say to you there is very good reason why this information resonates so well with some of you and that these reasons go beyond the experience of many of your contemporaries, and tell you on the whole you are a rarity, you are not the norm, but the exception.