Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ireland, Land of the Pharaohs

Ireland, Land of the Pharaohs

Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs

I’ve been curious about Montague Keen’s repeated mention of it all starting with Ireland and the need to recognize their heritage, and look what popped into my awareness today!  It’s lengthy (a book!) and very detailed, and I think a key piece of the puzzle…

Before we get to the book, did you hear recently that King Tutankhamun’s DNA reveals he was related to up to 50% of all Western European men?

One of the most thrilling things about 2012 is the revelations of the lies perpetrated for centuries to keep our origins and our true abilities hidden from us; we are emerging as the powerful, spiritual beings we always were, but sadly, had forgotten because it was bred out of us. But guess what! We’re baaaaack!!!!!

Half of European Men Share Tutankhamun’s DNA
Up to half of all Western European men are related to Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen, geneticists in Switzerland have claimed.

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III.

The results showed King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong.

The results indicate they share a common ancestor.

Among modern-day Egyptians this haplogroup contingent is below 1 per cent, according to iGENEA.
“It was very interesting to discover that he belonged to a genetic group in Europe – there were many possible groups in Egypt that the DNA could have belonged to,” said Roman Scholz, director of the iGENEA Centre.

Around 70 per cent of Spanish and 60 per cent of French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

“We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago,” Mr Scholz said.
It is estimated the earliest migration of haplogroup R1b1a2 into Europe began with the spread of agriculture in 7,000 BC, according to iGENEA.

However, the geneticists were not sure how King Tutankhamen’s paternal lineage came to Egypt from its region of origin.

The centre is now using DNA testing to search for the closest living relatives of King Tut.

“The offer has only been publicised for three days but we have already seen a lot of interest,” Mr Scholz said.


From the Introduction of the book…
One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
If we have been bamboozled long enough,
We tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth.
The Bamboozle has captured us,
It’s simply too painful to acknowledge,
Even to ourselves,
That we have been so credulous.     ~  Carl Sagan.
Enjoy this riveting read!

Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs (PDF)