Update 17/09 – 17:05 UTC
- 84 earthquakes until 16:11 UTC
- Another 2 shallow quakes at 10 and 11 km , both in the El Golfo, Sabinosa area. The phenomena described in the last update is being confirmed with these quakes. The Sabinosa – El Golfo area has become active again. We are however unsure whether IGN has deliberately omitted the quakes in this area when the strong swarm started. If this was not the case (what we should find very normal) then we can speak of a changing pattern. The following hours will give a better idea of the situation
Update 17/09 – 15:36 UTC
- Is the crust starting to show cracks ? Why are we writing this ? If IGN data are correct, we have noticed a number of shallower earthquakes the last couple of hours. Nothing to be scared off, but this is definitely a change in patterns versus earlier today and the 2 preceding days. From 12:27 until 14:39 (less than 3 hours) we have noticed 6 under 20 km earthquakes on a total of 17.
The shallowest being a 13 km, but also a 15 km and a couple of 18 km. Is the magma the cause ? IGN would probably know it but mostly keeps his information for international science conferences a couple of months later!
The shallowest one was recorded below the Sabinosa area, the area where the other 10 km were recorded last week.
- 71 earthquakes so far
Update 17/09 – 12:45 UTC
- 52 earthquakes so far (listed by IGN until 11:06 UTC). No change in depth patterns or epicenter area. I looks more and more that the island consists of solid rock where magma has a hard time to penetrate
Update 17/09 – 08:38 UTC
- “Only” 30 earthquakes listed by IGN this morning
- Hypocenters : no change in depth (hypocenter or focal depth or depth are indicating the same = layer in the underground (crust or deeper) where the energy is generated
- Epicenters : same area than yesterday centering in the historic crater area
- GPS deformations :
Restinga : 1 cm further uplifting (Ultra Rapid) – stabilized on the longitude and latitude axis (= earlier movement to the South-East)
Pinar : 1 cm uplift – pushed 1 cm further to the North – stabilized on the longitude axis (= earlier movement to the East)
Frontera : no more uplifting, 0,5 cm to the North – no change on the longitude axis since long time
The plotters under our readers can try to trace this way the source of the magma. Click here for the source of our data (courtesy Prof. Sagiya – University of Nagoya)
- A big Thank you to ER readers Lynn and Oliver for the support they showed to this website earlier today
Image courtesy Avcan – epicenters of the last 10 earthquakes
Vertical deformation at Pinar station – Image courtesy Prof. Sagiya