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The Silver Doctors caught a great glitch yesterday where the December futures contract traded at $34,220 and gold at $17,716 or 1/2 the value of silver...
Here's what one reader had to say about it...
1) Why did glitches occur for both gold and silver, since they're independent commodities traded on separate symbols?
2) Why was gold off by a factor of 10, but silver by a factor of 1,000?
3) The misquoted prices reflect a 1:2 price ratio with silver being 2x as valuable as gold. Was somebody trying to communicate the fact that future gold to silver value ratio will go from 50:1 to 1:2, with silver prices rising 100 times faster than gold's?
Here's my take. This was not an accident. This was a deliberate show of just how powerful the computer riggers are and how "virtual" our markets have become. With a "flip of the switch" the game of market rigging can end. Instantly. Of course silver is not worth $34,220....IT'S WORTH A LOT MORE!
What this should tell you is that the silver prices you are quoted everyday are merely controlled and manipulated computer blips with no grounding in reality.
We are very close to the END of the END where all forms of "virtual money" are erased from the face of the earth.
Be ready.
The Next 25 Days Will Change The World
Everything I watch in the Conspiracy World is FLASHING CODE RED...what ever that means. On the Road to Roota it is definitely time. As in BEFORE the election in 25 days. Listen to the latest from "Drake" as he is suggesting that next week the battles that have been raging behind the scenes will go VISIBLE to the world. Here's the latest:
I don't believe in all of what Drake is talking about but a lot of it comes directly in line with the Road to Roota Theory. The things that do not are usually stuff that I have no understanding of yet (new technologies, space aliens, food replicators, etc). I like hearing it and can understand how it is possible but it has not been part of my Road to Roota work.
But the rest of what Drake talks about IS part of the Road to Roota analysis. The taking down of the Bad Guys is REAL! It is happening! Yes, it is complicated and difficult but it IS happening as we speak.
Keep an eye out for the battles to go public next week.
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*I will be handing these pens out at the Silver Summit this year...IT'S NOT TOO LATE! The Good Guys will demand a special election procedure of write in voting only once the crash hits in the coming days. People will line up around the block holding their WRITE-IN RON PAUL pens high above their head in a show of transparency and force! I have seen it in my dreams :-)
Leading Us Through the Darkness
One of the most asked questions I get on the Road to Roota is..."What if Ron Paul doesn't get elected?" It is a very good question and one that I STILL think is the most important issue on the table. Bigger than the economic issues, gold/silver manipulation issues, monetary issues or even liberty and freedom issues.
Because we need a leader to take us out of the darkness and into the light. We need a focal point to rally around or the CHAOS of the transition is likely to spin out of control. That is why the Good Guys allowed the system to continue to be rigged for the last four years.
There are many that have given up hope that he can still be elected. They "claim" to have not lost faith in his ideals but they think that he has no chance and that the Bad Guys have won this all important battle.
I think that Ron Paul is still in the running. Not only that but he "will be" the FRONT RUNNER because he can "fix the problem"...The REASON that nobody understands how badly we need Ron Paul is that THE PROBLEM has yet to manifest. 40 years of printing money at will HAS NOT been detrimental to the population, the loss of liberties ARE NOT a major problem for our citizens and the budget deficits HAS NOT caused any harm to the people of the United States of America. Ron Paul has been WRONG for 40 years.
Let's use a metaphor...suppose the situation in United States was like the 1986 failure of the Space Shuttle Challenger. The Challenger flew perfectly for 73 seconds but all the while a leak in the "O Ring" had a blowtorch effect on the external fuel tank. For 73 seconds that blow torch fired away at the external fuel tank but everything seemed fine to the people below. All systems were "go" and those happy people at Cape Canaveral were celebrating and admiring their success. At second 74 EVERYTHING changed when the external fuel tank blew up.
In 1971 the the Space Shuttle "US Dollar" took off much like the Challenger did in 1986 except it was without the monetary backing of gold. For 40 years it was accepted as the strongest currency in the world. It was the first time in history that people accepted an unbacked global reserve currency and yet all along there was a golden blow torch firing away at it's structure.
We have hit our 73rd second and now everything is going to blow.
Very soon WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America will be given a choice, a REAL choice, about who we want to lead us into the FUTURE as the President of our nation. Unfortunately, most of WE THE PEOPLE have yet to awaken to the reality that our society is not what we had thought it was. We had thought we had free choices, free markets and free will...but we were deceived. We don't and haven't had these freedoms for over 100 years.
In the coming weeks before the election EVERYTHING we believed to be true will be called into question...including the integrity and morality of the two choices provided to us for the Presidency. Yes, we have been conned into believing there are ONLY TWO choices but we were forced into that false construct. These candidates were not chosen by the "free will" of WE THE PEOPLE but rather forced upon us by our "Controllers".
Again, read how the next few weeks may go down...
SPECIAL REPORT: Confirmation from "The Insider"
I had originally thought that is would be spread out over many months but now it looks like they want it all to happen at once...
RP is Definitely not R.I.P.
For those who still are doubting that Ron Paul has a shot listen to his latest interview...
Clearly, he's not ready to fold his cards.
I'm running short on time this week so I'm going to end here but watch for more Private Road articles this weekend leading into next week as I believe there will be a lot to talk about by the next Friday Road Trip!
PRIOR SPECIAL REPORT: Confirmation From "The Insider"
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Ron Paul gave an interview a few years back on Fox News that was so laden with insider information that I was shocked. To the average person it may look like there was nothing earth shattering about what he said but to me it was jaw dropping as it fully supported many of my more drastic theories and MORE!
Listen to the interview very carefully as it lays out EXACTLY what I believe is about to happen:
Did you pick everything up? How does this all relate to the Road to Roota analysis of what the near future holds in store for us?
First refresh yourself with some of the major themes in the Time Line article:
Now here's my take on some of the subjects Ron Paul addresses:
1)"A lot of bills won't get paid. The checks are going to bounce."
This interview took place back in November 2010 and we are now finally seeing what Ron was talking about. The debt ceiling issue will be once again "front and center" in the wars for our freedom. This issue is going to significantly increase the velocity of US Dollar destruction that has been the plan all along. Congress can bicker all they want about who's fault it is but the ultimate result is the increased speed of the destruction of the USD.
2) "The Election is crucial to the future of our Republic"
I touched on this in the Time Line as the "Good Guys" are trying to do this all staying within the confines of the law (which is a huge disadvantage when dealing with the crooks who feel they are ABOVE THE LAW!). With a majority of "Good Guys" in Congress ready to slam the door on the banksters when they come begging for more money, the Bad Guys have no escape route. There are many, many signs of banking stress especially the Mortgage Fraud Issue which will not (because it cannot) go away. ALL the banks are now insolvent as leveraged losses are killers. Imagine a real estate portfolio that is leveraged 30-1 losing 25% of it's value...25%x30=750% losses! Leverage is great going up but a bitch coming down.
I believe that the November election will be 100% computer rigged (again) but this time it will be the Good Guys that rig the system making sure the right people are in the right places for the coming chaos.
EXPECTATION: For Ron Paul to have any shot at winning the Republican Primaries the world must be in monetary chaos. As the world falls into chaos Ron Paul's vision takes on greater and greater importance as the global monetary system deteriorates.
3) "We are on the verge of a revolution"
Those are some mighty big words for a Congressman to utter...unless he knows that it is right around the corner. Remember what was written on the new $100 Bills?
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That, my friends, comes directly from our Declaration of Independence and says the following:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
My full analysis can be found here:
This will truly be a revolution in the United States. We have been in captivity for so long is will be massively liberating but VERY SCARY as most people do not understand what's about to happen.
4) The Revolution can be a good thing
I, like Ron Paul, believe that the revolution can be accomplished peacefully and without massive blood shed. This is why removing the "Bad Guys" from Congress is so important. Without the power of law enforced to remove our controllers the only way to win would be violent. This was not Greenspan's master plan and the Good Guys are doing everything they can to make this a peaceful transition.
EXPECTED TIME FRAME: If chaos and revolution are the themes after the debt ceiling debacle unfolds people will begin to question the need for the Federal Reserve and un-backed fiat money. This angle is perfect to gain the necessary support to end the reign of the Banking Cabal and return to our Founding Fathers vision of the United States. Watch for momentum to build again in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests.
5) The Revolution will happen with a lot of turmoil
Although the revolution will be a very good thing it will NOT be without massive chaos and pain. Imagine how people will feel when ALL OF THEIR ASSETS are suddenly wiped away by the monetary collapse. No savings, no 401k, no pension, no stocks....nothing electronic or paper will survive. This is truly a Creative Destruction Event.
I have heard grumblings that the Good Guys may try and bandage the wounds with something like "Freedom Funds" or the NESARA Bill (www.nesara.org) but I can't see how that will work. There is just too much fraud in the system to allow ANY phantom wealth to survive. If they do try to patch up the old system without complete destruction I fear that our painful transition may last a LOT longer than if we just start fresh.
One of the key components of the last two years has been the education of the Sheeple to the evils of fiat money. When the first crash was attempted the Sheeple of America didn't understand the situation. We are too scared and too uneducated so we let them escape. That has changed. The attitude of the Sheeple now is "Let Wall Street Burn" and there will be no more bailout and no escaping the total and complete destruction of the fiat monetary system.
This is a valuable lesson as we need this understanding in order to build our new monetary future upon principles of sound money using gold and silver as our means of exchange. The future can be GLORIOUS if we both LEARN OUR LESSON and construct a new system based on SOUND MONEY.
If we do this we can live prosperously for many centuries to come.
EXPECTATION: Here's the big question...HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? My estimates range anywhere from 3 to 6 months of MASSIVE chaos before things settle down a little and we begin to rebuild our Republic. If things go poorly and violence is involved on a large scale it may take longer.
6) Expecting a financial collapse
It's one thing if a crazy gold/silver bug newsletter writer spouts off about an impending financial collapse that is a "sure thing" but it is quite another if Ron Paul says get ready for it because it WILL come. He's "in the know" and has been working on this, with other Good Guys, for years. A financial collapse today is much different that the financial collapse two years ago as all the escape routes have been slammed shut from the new Financial Reform Law.
Many have told me that it is just a scam and it has no teeth to take down the powerful banking cabal but I disagree. The key is not that it is 100% fool proof but is there "ENOUGH" to take them down. I believe there is and the next financial collapse that Ron Paul is speaking of will prove my point.
7) Expecting a US Dollar breakdown
Not many people think about the consequences of a US Dollar breakdown. The US Dollar is no minor currency...it is the ONLY reserve currency in the fiat system today and is held by all nations as a reserve. The shear anger of the world towards the US for significantly devaluing the Dollar is enough to shut down all trade globally. In an instant. There would be massive nationalization campaigns from mines to factories to stock market shares...everything they can get their hands on.
It is impossible to underestimate the ramifications of the large (50%) US Dollar devaluation...it would lead to the total destruction of all fiat money.
That's where our fast track is leading us in the weeks and months ahead.
8) "Because of our traditions we can come out of this chaos quite well"
This was a very interesting comment in my book. What is Ron talking about when he says "because of our traditions"? Could it be that he is talking about our traditions of gold and silver as our monetary foundations? That could be as a destroyed currency will need to be replaced. We have our Constitutional money where as most other countries have no agreed upon forms of money other than fiat money. It would be VERY easy to return to where we should have stayed in the first place!
As to any shortage of gold and silver.. I think it has already been taken care of when it comes to gold with all our Golden Secrets:
Silver is another story. There "ain't any" and I don't think there are many "Silver Secrets" out there other than undeveloped silver mines in the US and China. The reason I come to this conclusion goes back to one of my original discoveries on the Silver manipulation front:
The Great Silver Mystery
If the market riggers were SO SHORT of physical silver that they had to tear down one of the most important military facilities in the world YOU KNOW THEY HAD NO OTHER CHOICE!
My $8,250 silver call is not off the table in the near future.
EXPECTED TIME FRAME: I don't expect a complete recovery until after Ron Paul takes over the Presidency. If it's late 2012 in a normal election we'll have a very difficult road ahead of us. If the Bad Guys in gov't are replaced as the crash happens we may see a "Special Election" if Obama is removed.
9) States and individuals will turn their back on Federal Government
This angle adds a new twist to the Time Line scenario as Ron seems to be saying that we all but abandon the Federal Government and rely on individual state run governments. This makes sense on a few different levels as it returns us to our Constitutional framework and a large Federal Government cannot function without the printing presses working overtime.
We will also need all those Federal Government workers to rebuilt our manufacturing infrastructure once China shuts their doors and Globalization stops.
A lot to think about with this one.
EXPECTED TIME FRAME: We are already seeing the beginnings of a return to State control with all the gold and silver coin bills floating though state legislatures. With the collapse of the US Dollar and the un-backed fiat monetary system the Federal Gov't won't have money to function and will be MASSIVELY DOWNSIZED.
10) Bring back jobs, protect our borders, bring back troops
When Ron talks about these issues it is easy to for me to see how all this can happen very quickly. The derivative/banking meltdown will be a total destruction type of event such that all forms of paper and electronic wealth may disappear practically overnight.
As I discuss in many of my articles, the End of Globalization will be one of the outcomes of the collapse. Every country will put their arms around their people and say "We're going to take care of ourselves for a while."
For America there is no better outcome. We have been hiding away natural resources for decades knowing that one day we would need them.
That day is right around the corner.
EXPECTED TIME FRAME: This will happen soon after the implosion of the banking system. I expect it to begin in the 2nd half of 2012 if all goes well.
I haven't thought this through yet but Ron brings up a very interest twist in this interview and that is the "Nullification" of Federal Laws. I have had many subscribers ask me how we were going to get rid of all the unconstitutional laws that have been put on the books during the reign of the Bad Guys...and there are a lot of them.
Here's a definition of Nullification from Wikipedia:
"Nullification is a legal theory that a U.S. State has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional. The theory is based on a view that the sovereign States formed the Union, and as creators of the compact hold final authority regarding the limits of the power of the central government. Under this, the compact theory, the States and not the Federal Bench are the ultimate interpreters of the extent of the national Government's power. A more extreme assertion of state sovereignty than nullification is the related action of secession, by which a state terminates its political affiliation with the Union. State efforts to nullify federal law have never been upheld."
Wow! It almost seems too easy!
As we enter the End Game on the Road to Roota it is natural to be scared. Hopefully, through these Letters, I have given you a glimmer of hope that there is a way through the darkness and there are many people out there trying to help us get to the other side.
Ron Paul is just one of our helpers.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
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