Friday, October 5, 2012

GaiaPortal: Externals Adjust to Higher Light Input…

Externals Adjust to Higher Light Input…

Transformational vortexes set up in 3D-4D externals. Many sense this as increased chaos appearance. Those who judge by appearances are deceived by their own view.

Involvement in transformational vortexes is discouraged.

Viewing all externals from Higher Senses, in 5D-7D, is encouraged. Gaia awaits emplacement of final pieces for the 10-10-12 tranmutational window [Eireport note: window of 10-9 through 10-11].

Hue-manity Ground Crew, await further instructions. That is all.

Gaia Light Quotient Raised…

Input from Higher Source 5D-7D Light raises Gaia Light Quotient to 0.98. Inner Gaia expansion at 90%.