Wednesday, October 31, 2012

GaiaPortal Update for October 30, 2012

Streams of Light Cover Planetary Surfaces

Streams of Light in 5D-7D realms cover planetary surfaces. In preparation for entrance of such into Gaia interior, at some point. Clearance and cleansing paradigms are followed. Rapid translation to 3D-4D realms follows.

These Streams of Light in 5D-7D form “web of entanglement and dissolution” for all non-Higher-Light-aligned energies, individual, group, collective. “Entanglement” in this time period is “permanent”. Meaning no escape is permitted. Those entrapped will be dealt with after planetary consciousness has elevated sufficiently.

No time frame is given, but “entanglement and dissolution” is intended to finish by the 12-21-12.
Recommended that extremes of all types be avoided.