Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Crop Circle - Reported October 14th, 2012

Windmill Hill, nr Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire. Reported 14th October.
Map Ref: SU085710

I am writing with reference to the crop formation which appeared yesterday morning on our land at Avebury Trusloe and has subsequently appeared on your website. 

As the owners of the field we are asking if you could put a message on your website asking people NOT to enter the field and crop formation. This area has been planted as a conservation area and planted with a wild bird mixture. The area is designed to provide winter feed to wildlife and birds and also to provide a safe habitat for ground nesting birds. A lot of time and money has been spent siting this particular plot and establishing it for the benefit of wild birds, insects and farmland animals.  

Visitors to the formation are now disturbing the birds who will not come back to the plot, they are trampling down the nesting areas and feed sources and all this work is now being undone. People entering the field have not been given permission and signs have been erected stating there is 'no entry' but they are being ignored. Indeed some people have become rather aggressive and abusive when asked to leave the field. 

We ask that everyone is welcome to enjoy the aerial pictures of the formation on the internet, but please do not enter the field. 
Many thanks 

Robin and Ben Butler Land owners

Images Trevor Black Copyright 2012

Image Jim Patent Copyright 2012

Having seen an aircraft circle near Windmill Hill this morning I went to have a look. From a distance there looks like there is something in the field but I could not be certain. I did not have suitable footwear to go and check it out properly. I have attached the best photographs I could get with the equipment I had.