Saturday, October 13, 2012

The NEW Coming Online

If you’ve signed up to receive email notifications from Inelia Benz — — then you received this latest message from her recently too. But because there’s probably many people who haven’t I’m sharing it at TRANSITIONS because this information is important and needs to be known and embodied by as many people now as possible.

I said a few years ago that Phase One of the Ascension Process was all the difficult, painful, dangerous and dirty prep-work — the transmuting of negativity in multiple dimensions and our multiple bodies; integrating and resolving polarity; escaping multidimensional energetic mind control systems and frequency fences; transmuting residual energetic emotional density stuff within our bodies and selves; and for many of us Starseeds/Lightworkers transmuting plenty of past residual negative energies from actions done by both Team Dark and humans across time on 3D Earth and in the 2D Elemental and 4D Astral dimensions primarily.

I also said that Phase Two of the Ascension Process would be about our (meaning the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers) embodying the new higher frequency blueprints first; individually Consciously Creating; and Co-Creating as an ascended 5D group to help anchor the higher frequency energies and energetic systems and blueprints within the ascending Earth and timeline. What Inelia Benz is talking about in her intro article below is about what I’ve called Phase Two. As Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos our jobs and focus have been or are being modified due to this major transition from Phase One to Phase Two.

I was impulsed the other day to go to David Wilcock’s website which only happens when I need to see something specific at that moment. What I personally needed to see was his October 7, 2012 article “Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?” because it described the very important changes he’s gone through recently concerning his personal Starseed/Lightworker job and focus. I could relate completely and was very glad to see that he’s made this important shift finally too.

Also, Lisa Renee talks more about this massive shift in her October 2012 article which I’ll quote soon too so when you read it please remember what Inelia is talking about here (and the very important change David Wilcock has recently gone through too and why) because all these articles, including what I’m saying, are connected and talking about the same profound shift and Starseed/Lightworker/Wayshower redirect and changes unfolding today, tomorrow, the next day, next month and so on.

First was the difficult, dark and painful transmuting and integrating of the old lower frequency negative stuff, then secondly, the many-layered embodying (in our bodies, in Earth, and in the different dimensions) of the NEW higher frequencies and much more complex blueprints; new higher frequencies and much more complex energies being transmitted to Earth’s electromagnetic field and new planetary grids; new energetic systems; growing higher consciousness; more Light and less density and so on for the NEW Evolutionary Cycle that’s about to begin for the ascended Earth/Humanity. Exciting times…and all of you deeply exhausted, beat-up, traumatized, battle-weary First/Second/Third Wavers need to dust yourselves off now and take a good look around because Phase One is finished (and very well done everyone) and we’re deep within Phase Two and it will be easy and fast compared to what we’ve already done! Honest.

I know many of us (myself included) have needed and/or wanted to lay down and take a long recuperative nap during 2011 and 2012 in an attempt to heal/transmute what we’ve gone through during Phase One.  But now with the Galactic Center (GC) transmitting what it is through the Milky Way galaxy and to our Sun and on to us, Earth, our DNA, our consciousness, our Rewired central nervous systems etc., this is where our jobs become vastly easier and more “normal” feeling to us Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos because it’s more like higher frequency Home/Source. We’ve finally reached the point where all of this is much easier so take a deep breath and let go of any Phase One stuff that needs to go now that the new is arriving in Phase Two.

♥ Gratitude to all for doing what each of you have done for All everywhere across time space.

October 12, 2012
Copyright © 2012–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. 


I  am presently in Spain, where I will be attending two events.  One event  is in Barcelona, on the 13th of October 2012, and the second event is  in Madrid on the 20th of October.

And, the information I will be sharing at these times, are that we  now have the capacity, power, and ability to change the Operating System (OS) of the Human Collective, to the New Paradigm version.

The OS is carried within human verbal language, and our DNA.

And Source, Gaia and the Planetary Council needs volunteers to become  conduits for the new OS to enter our Human Collective.  We need  volunteers who speak every modern language on the planet. Spanish,  English, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Korean,  Portuguese… in short, YOUR MOTHER TONGUE.  If you are reading this  article, it means you are personally being asked to partake in this  download.

This is crucially important.  This informational article needs to be  translated into every language on the planet. Please send your mother  tongue translation to info @, and we will link it to this article, so you can then forward it to everyone you know who speaks that language.

Here are the instructions:
On Saturday 13th at 4pm Spain Time Zone – I will be sharing this information in Barcelona Spain.
On Saturday 20th at 10am Spain Time Zone – I will be sharing this information in Madrid Spain.
On the next Saturday AFTER you read this message.

If you don’t know what the new OS is, ask your higher self to show you first.

Please, if your timezone and calendar allows, at one or all the  allocated times above, go to a public place where it is normal for a  person to sit, such as a cafe, park, beach, or meet with people you know  at an assigned place such as your home or public area, and sit with  your eyes closed and IN SILENCE, with the intention to BECOME A CONDUIT  FOR SOURCE TO UPLOAD THE NEW PARADIGM OPERATING SYSTEM into human collective language (your mother tongue and DNA) throughout time/space.  If your timezone or calendar doesn’t allow to join in the above  allocated times, then do it as soon as you can after reading this  informational article.

I will be joining you for one hour every Saturday from today to the end of 2012.

Share, send, copy/paste to your blog, list, FB page, talk to your local radio stations, TV stations, groups and  friends, and everywhere  you can think of, let them know what you are doing, and ask them to join you in intention.

Informacion en Castellano haz clic aqui.

Inelia Benz