Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Georgi Stankov Update for December 26, 2012

The Time of True Change Has Commenced. My Current Massive Incentive That Will Topple Down the Most Dark Citadel of the Old Orion Matrix – the Present-Day Failed Empirical Science.
December 25, 2012

Dear Carla,

I hope you feel better today.

I just wanted to inform you that I had an inner impulse today to write to 20 international scientific publishers, US, GB and Germany, and offer them my scientific and gnostic books. I do not believe that they will respond now to this offer in the conventional way, but the message I got from HS was that I should prepare the ground for earth A/B, where social changes will be gradual at the beginning and will be accompanied first by the collapse of the old matrix/system.

As the transition will be fluent for most people and many will not even notice the difference at first, my theory will be propagated there at the beginning in the conventional way, before the bigger picture is comprehended by the masses. Besides, my theory is in the first place for earth A/B, where human language will still play a major role and not so much on the earth A, where telepathy will be the only means of communication. In this case my theory will still hold true, but it will be perceived in a different way. This was the vision I saw that laid the foundation for this action.

I just wanted to share this incentive with you and would like to hear your opinion/feel.

By the way, my wife used the pendulum this evening for the first time as to answer questions. I did not know she could do this. She predicted two children for my daughter, a boy and a girl. I asked just one question: “Will I celebrate New Year on Dec 31 on this earth?” The answer was a vehement “No” by the pendulum. It was very impressive. Let us see what will happen in the next days.

With love and light


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