Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dinar Guru Okie Oil Man & JonnyWG Intel Update 2-12-12

 Dinar Guru JonnyWG Update

11:45 AM CST [jonnywg] Everything is completed on the banking and administrative end. We strongly feel that all the results that we are looking for will be posted in the next 20 hours ::::
[jonnywg] CBI, forex, bank screens

[donna1224] I thought that banks would update Tuesday - Thursday. Thank you
[jonnywg] donna1224 No, this is a digital world now ..... not the 1930's ....... any day, any time

[misskitty] If the rate comes out high, do you believe we will have more than 24 hours to cash in at the high rate? If so, how long? Thanks
[jonnywg] misskitty We will have time to cash in.... There will not be panic..... I will post my thoughts in a minute

[comeonrv] Any word on what has been accomplished at the National Conference? :::::
[jonnywg] comeonrv - We already have results on all announcements

[KYRV39] Are we rv-ing tomorrow ? ::::
[jonnywg] KYRV39 Everything I have in info and intel says yes

[broncofan] Jonnywg happy Sunday! Hope this leads us into a great week!
[jonnywg] broncofan i agree to all....... today can be it

[jonnywg] Well all... I will post a truth to clear up a bit of false facts.... The programs do not stop at 30 seconds to go; this would be much too close. They actually stop with 5 minutes to go. In this case they will have up to 8 different scenarios to choose from. NO ONE KNOWS THE RATE ..... NO ONE .... NO ONE


[soonerfan62] jonnywg Need me to pick you up?



[raven1111] After the global reset will we be able to read up on these packages re: hunger, children, slavery..?
[jonnywg] raven1111 YES - WE WILL UNDERSTAND

[raven1111] Thank you! Are you hopeful is this really going to be a relevant help re: hunger slavery children
[jonnywg] raven1111 These are massive packages addressing world issues

[hawaii50] Book air tickets to cash in or wait? Your thoughts much appreciated!
[jonnywg] hawaii50 wait till posted there is no rush to cash in

[rjg] I hear you saying we should see this by 8 am cst. Can it not be stopped again?
[jonnywg] rjg Anything can be stopped but this time it appears at the end


Dinar Guru Okie Oil Man Update

[ZMAN2011] 9:52 PM [..TS] junior35 to OKIEOILMAN: anything on the dong?

[ZMAN2011] 9:53 pm [..ts] okieoilman: junior--1 of the 195 curriencies to all go at the same time

[ZMAN2011] 9:53 pm [..ts] okieoilman: after tommorow-----everyone send roses to christine legarde and not your wives or girl friends

[ZMAN2011] 9:55 PM [..TS] ram1 to OKIEOILMAN: Have you heard if the UST will be taking 10% off the top of the rate? TYVM

[ZMAN2011] 9:56 pm [..ts] okieoilman: ram--sniffing glue again?
[weneedit] Man I hope this will be it.And not a lu

[ZMAN2011] 9:56 pm [..ts] okieoilman: ram because of your comment about the treasury taking money off the top-----an old wives tail

[peganded] okieoilman: ram--thats what irs tax statue 988 and 525 states-------google those statues and satisfy yourself--than and the key work investment in presidential order 13303-------theres your sources you will be taxed by

10:02 PM [..TS] Foggie confirms through his DC source the info from Okie
[peganded] okieoilman: hey guys--remember friday night when i said you would be busy either friday or tommorrow???------well----i am now more adament about that statement than i even was then. Okieoilman: according to sources we just may wake up surprised tommorow (morning as it is now reported) okieoilman: sources has been wrong in the past as to the date but never the intel-----what i received tonight was intel okieoilman: lets see what develops way in the middle of the night (according to sources)




Poofness Update for February 12, 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 2:35 PM
Subject: Hope You're Ready for This

Redemption Song lyrics
Songwriters: HAWKINS, EDWIN R./MARLEY, BOB ... re=related

Old pirates, yes, they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the almighty
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Ooh
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fullfil the book

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our mind
Woh, have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fullfill the book
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever had
Redemption songs
All I ever had
Redemption songs
These songs of freedom
Songs of freedom

Greetings and Salutations;

Remember the term, 'indentured servant'? Just a little higher than a slave basically, a serf. You have faced the same issues, trying to pay off debt, while the house shuffles the deck in it's favor. It's really a fake freedom. As long as, one remains indebted to the 'man',(plutocrats) limits to that freedom are inherent. Listen to the politicians this season and watch them massage words to alter your vision of what they are really saying. 'Vote for me, I'll set you free'. Now, the scary part is at your door, real freedom. After a series of tactical moves behind the curtain, the dark cabals have been subjugated. Light makes right, evil always loses. Whatever actions are taken that, ultimately results in less freedom or power to the people, a counter measure automatically is birthed. The universe is about balance and that effects daily life.

There is no more 'grey' areas, step forward in confidence, your back is covered. No more negotiations with they who would pick your pockets. They are receiving 'edicts' and will suffer the consequences for breaking them. They won't be able to tie up the courts with endless crap....BAR attorneys will not be allowed into the new courts of justice. The smart judges are already getting their 'common law' chops up to work in the new system, under a bonafide constitutional system. All we await is the 'announcements' to make it all public. Time to be adults, take what you want and help others not as fortunate as you. There's nothing hard about this and you will be helped in your decision making process. No one is throwing you into deep water with out life saving devices. Hold this thought, everything around you is alive, act like you know. Respect life. Get in the flow of it and all will be easy going forward. Thank the st germain folks for holding a focus over 3 centuries, never backing off their mission despite the wars and alot of other things which took place, the vagaries of time.

Since the beginning of pulling all this together in america, the idea of prosperity programs for regular people have become somewhat of an urban legend. The cabal was intent on keeping it that way, too. They have used every measure at their disposal to divert, stop, or make folks crazy even thinking about the possibilities. Some have even went in an opposite direction and swear to god, it was all a scam in the first place. That way they did not have to think about it. 'Ah, the grapes are sour anyway'. The world is bigger than your back yard or your politicians. You will see what I mean very shortly, as some of the 'sacred cows' are destroyed or sent to the dustbins of history. While these folks keep saying bernanke is printing, look into your pocket or wallet and see if you can find a recently printed fed res note. Things are not as the media or even the politicians state it. The proof is with you. I can find nothing newer than 2009, how about you?

The master said the 'Kingdom of god is within you', well try acting like you may be worth something rather than the piece of crap, preached in your ear. Maybe you need to rethink what that kingdom really is, sans someone else's idea of what that means. We have a lot of the walking wounded out here, who don't even know they have been mentally abused. Time has come to change the world. Ask questions of the person at the bank, they represent the 5 star trust. Instructions are very simple, 3rd grade level. If you can read and follow along, you'll be fine. There are some details I'm not privy too, but the big picture was always very clear. That has not altered save, time may have sped up a bit causing other things to be at your table faster. Stay loose, world change is here, listen and observe. Don't believe everything you hear, and only 50% of what you see. You will now start using the rest of your senses and brain. Call it a reset.
"Change your mind and your butt will follow."

Must say, now you will have peace, Whitney Houston. That voice has now gone from the planet. Great lights seem to leave the planet early, she's certainly has gone to rock and roll heaven. ... re=related

With the assault on women rights going on in dc now, ladies listen to this song.
You All have personal decision to make.

Love and Kisses;


Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now

Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now

In the spiritual realms we are observing with joy the rapid progress that humanity is now making in its spiritual evolution as the moment for its awakening approaches.  In the illusion the majority of wonderful events that are occurring across the world are not widely reported, and much is done to discount the importance of the few that do make it into the news and to discredit those who report them.  But do not fear – the tide will not be turned!  Major changes to the way society is organized on Planet Earth are happening right now, and the enormous benefits that this will bring to all mankind are long overdue and will not be prevented.  Many loving souls have been working gently and discretely for a long time to help bring this part of God’s plan for humanity to fruition, and that moment is nigh.

Love is the power, the energy, and the lubricant that enables the creative endeavors of life to flow easily and smoothly as God intends.  Humanity is finally beginning to understand this wondrous Truth.  However, to very many of you this does not seem to be the case as you observe those self-serving ones who have taken power and authority unto themselves enriching themselves, while the vast majority of humanity struggles to maintain even a subsistence level of existence. This is changing, and it is doing so because so many of you have decided to exchange loving attitudes and behaviors for the irresponsible and self-centered ways that have been endemic on Earth for so long.  You have always been surrounded by guides and teachers from the spiritual realms who nudge you towards love whenever you open your hearts a little to accept it, or when you pray for guidance and assistance in your earthly lives.

Love is a very gentle energy, but infinitely powerful and infinitely abundant.  When you start to open your hearts to allow It in the flow is slow and steady so that you will not be overpowered or overwhelmed.  In your physical form you have to take It in slowly because your bodies are delicate and take time to adjust to Its enormous warmth and strength.  And even when they have adjusted the amount that an individual body can process as a conduit is, of course, severely limited by the physical limitations of the body itself.  By entering the illusion you chose to experience severe limitation, and although that can be somewhat alleviated, it cannot be utterly dispelled until you leave it by awakening.

In the meantime, while you remain embodied within the illusion, you are receiving loving assistance on a scale never before seen or experienced on your beautiful planet.  And the reason for this is because you are to awaken, and to do so you must turn away from the self-centered survival modes of behavior and thinking that have been prevalent for so long, and embrace the Love that surrounds every one of you at all times.  It takes practice, determination, and willingness to make this essential change of heart and to engage lovingly with everyone with whom you interact, in whatever situation you may find yourselves.  That is why you are being given so much assistance.  You cannot fail, and you will not fail, because your Father has decreed that you will awaken into Reality to enjoy eternally the marvels of that divine state.

While you maintain unloving and self-centered attitudes and behaviors you support and maintain the illusion – the only place where they could even appear to exist – and enclose yourselves within it.  Love can seep into your awareness while you remain in hiding within the illusion, but only if you choose to open yourselves to receive It, and It then requires that you share It indiscriminately with everyone that you encounter.  This is why you are receiving, and becoming aware that you are receiving, such an abundance of assistance from those in the spiritual realms.  The Love that you share in this divine and indiscriminate manner links you with many others doing likewise, strengthening and intensifying the divine Love field that desires only to embrace you and bring you Home.

As the numbers of you engaging in this divine and loving practice continue to increase, so does the strength of each individual taking part, and that gives each one of you the confidence that you need to hold your Light high for all to see.  It is all of you coming together in this way that makes your awakening possible and, of course, inevitable.  The divine plan has always been for you to awaken, not to be awoken, and this is what you are about to achieve.  When you do, your joy will be supreme.
With so very much love, Saul.

Bankers arrested in tax probe

Bankers arrested in tax probe

People walk past a Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) building in the City of London January 12, 2012. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth
LONDON | Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:15am GMT
(Reuters) - Several British bankers have been arrested as part of an investigation into alleged tax-related criminal offences, the country's customs and revenue service said on Sunday, including some from Royal Bank of Scotland.

"As a result of an ongoing HMRC investigation into tax-related criminal offences, HMRC has arrested a number of people, some of whom work for UK banks," Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) department said in a statement.

Laura Tyco ~ New Directions - Not Channeling GFL Anymore

Laura Tyco ~ New Directions - Not Channeling GFL Anymore

Dear Readers,

I am not sure will I keep posting GFL messages at all in the coming in the future.. obviously all sources seem to be infiltrated on that front in the light of the recent events.I am not sure of what happened in the recent development.

As a result I am considering giving up channeling Galactic Federation of Light .. Too much going on to be entirely genuine I think at this stage for my liking… While I have no doubts about the beings that I have been in contact with so far, of their good intentions, I have seen their ships, I have interacted with their ships, they have helped me and guided me on a personal level, and the being I know as SaLuSa has helped me out of various dark attacks many times.

I have seen tangible proof of their help to me, to fix my computer internet connections. I know these beings are genuine and real. I will continue channeling them, but I will no longer publish them until I am confident I understand what has been going on so far in the latest events. As a channeler, I can not afford to be used by entities with a double agenda for us.

I have to say however that the SaLuSa I have been asking personal questions on the Neptune trip always told me that the GFL preferred to remain impartial in this. He has often pointed out at 4D beings interfering in this matter in our private conversations, however in order not to add on to confusion he and Settufeut preferred to remain neutral publicly in this matter and look at the opportunities of alleged "Neptunre Trip".

I will probably. continue with TAUK channeling my Higher Self  and God..  I will at least give the GFL messages a break for a while, untill more light has been shed into these matters..

If  lower 4D negative entities are passing for Ascended Galactic Beings, I have no interest to continue working with them...

Laura Tyco

Senior Sun journalists arrested in police payments probe

Senior Sun journalists arrested in police payments probe

Rupert Murdoch is flying to London after five of tabloid's most senior staff are arrested in ongoing inquiry into alleged bribery
David Batty, Saturday 11 February 2012 17.56 EST

Five Sun newspaper journalists have been arrested as part of Operation Elveden, the police inquiry into alleged inappropriate payments to public servants. Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian

The Sun has been plunged into its worst ever crisis following the arrest of five of its most senior journalists over corruption allegations, moving Rupert Murdoch to pledge his support for the paper amid rumours that it faces closure.

Murdoch's "total commitment" to continue to own and publish the Sun was sent to News International staff by chief executive Tom Mockridge after the journalists, who include the deputy editor, were arrested in connection with an investigation into inappropriate payments to police and public officials.

Mockridge confirmed that the five Sun journalists involved are deputy editor Geoff Webster, picture editor John Edwards, chief reporter John Kay, chief foreign correspondent Nick Parker and deputy news editor John Sturgis.