Thursday, September 27, 2012

Removing The Shackles: Important Update - September 27, 2012

Important Update- sept 27th

This will be short and sweet as I am severely limited in what I can say.

Big things have happened and are happening this week.  Things are coming together on ALL fronts and there are a lot of busy people all over the US right now.  Important deliveries being made and important meetings happening...

Fingers crossed my friends. Dare I say it?  This might be IT.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the changes on the wind because you might just wake up on Monday to whole new world.

United Nation Speechs for 2012 - Obama, Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, Abbas

Videos of speeches are below.  Click on READ MORE link below to see and hear speeches of Obama, Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, and Abbas.


Sent to Drake Anonymously

Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:31:25 -0700 (PDT)
Everything is done, the 'moment' of the drops starting is the deep dark secret - all is quiet in internetland today and yesterday. wondering if all the issues with Frenchy got settled over the weekend and if that bodes well for good things arriving on our doorsteps this week...maybe
On Sep 26, 2012, at 1:08 AM
Hi, -
I did hear from X. :) He said we still don't know 'the moment', but Corporate US formally ended on Monday [actually it ends Monday, 10/1]. Not sure how long before everyone "gets the memo," but we should start seeing gold fringe removed from the flags. Not from X, but another rumor is that they'll hold off doing anything further till Thursday so as not to interrupt Yom Kippur for those observing it.

Good evening or should I say good morning XXXXX, - Last night you hinted and said no word from Poof. Any word from him Today? Allot of people again with their hair on fire regarding two announcement/interviews with Christine LaGarde, and Obama today. I know the new quarter is starting Monday. I don't know what the statue of limitations with Act 1871, but seems this would be a good time to fire up the new constitutional government at the same time of the new financial system.
Date: September 26, 2012, 1:28:34 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Hello Humpday...
Hi, -
Yes, Monday as in "a day or two ago" the Corp is formally _ended_, as in,"it is no more" [actually it ends Monday, 10/1]. I don't have answers to your WH or "when" questions. Gold fringe on the flags has been indication of Admiralty Law jurisdiction, part of the Corporation and of its being in bankruptcy. The fringe
has had nothing to do with original jurisdiction government.
The non-X rumor about Thursday relates to RVs and deliveries; dunno what else.
The corp. is dead? I wonder how the WH is going to shake out ? Will the Corp be abolished and when will the new Constitutional government start. I don't quite understand your statement gold fringe removed from the flags? I have an idea but thought I would ask for a clarification. Nothing starts until after Thursday, is this pertaining to the new government, or the new financial system? As for drops still waiting for the RV to be posted, the dinar gurus have their hair on fire now that it has been confirmed chapter 7 has been lifted and four thousand plus food cards have been distributed in Iraq per gurus.
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 3:48 PM
A friend of mine here in Phoenix, just called with a message given to her by her friend in Florida who is saying his IMF contact told him the RV went last night at 3 AM. Are you able to verify that? But, the strangest happening this morning is X returned 2 e-mails to me with no answer of any kind. Maybe everyone is in quiet mode; X's friend and mentor said years ago that at the end there would be complete silence - that's what i am hoping this means.
GV reports from Europe that his principal contacts are saying that all will finish this week.

Russia Bans all GM Corn Imports; EU May Also Ban Monsanto GMO in Wake of Shocking Cancer Findings

'Russia has now officially banned all imports of genetically modified corn, citing concerns from a recent study by French researchers showing rats grew massive cancer tumors when fed a lifetime of Monsanto's genetically modified corn.

Russia's consumer protection group, Rospotrebnadzor, said it was halting all imports of GM corn while the country's Institute of Nutrition will be evaluating the results of the study.

The Russian ban is the latest blow to Monsanto, a company desperately clinging to the myth that its genetically modified crops are "no different" than traditional crops and therefore long-term safety testing is completely unnecessary. Monsanto has assaulted the French study, claiming it did not use enough rats and that the duration of the study was too short -- an absurd claim, given that Monsanto's own studies on animals are only 90 days in duration, while the French study looked at the effects of rats eating GM corn (and drinking trace levels of Roundup herbicide) for two years.'

Feel Good Post: Love is what we are born with

Another "Two Suns" Sighting Uploaded On Youtube

Two Suns in NYC 2012 

You can read about the two sun pheomenom from a post I put together in August here.......

Quick News Reports - September 27, 2012

Tom Heneghan: Intel Update - September 26, 2012
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Wednesday September 26, 2012

P I V O T !
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the corrupt U.S. government financial regulators: the SEC, the CFTC, the NFA and the Nazi Mossad-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are currently conspiring with Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Bank to invoke the 48-hour homeland law reference the UN-Constitutional BushFRAUD era Patriot Act against FDIC insured savings accounts of outspoken American Patriots who love their country and want a return to Constitutional rule of law.

Average Americans' accounts are being frozen by the U.S. Nazi-Mossad banking gestapo with JP Morgan Chase and its CEO Jamie Dimon in a position to loot the accounts and then turn them into 48-hour derivatives that are traded on the absolutely corrupt London LIFFE Exchange.

The London LIFFE Exchange is controlled by the German House of Hanover commonly known as the British monarchy.

P.S. JP Morgan Chase has already looted the customer insured segregated accounts at the CME Group aka MFGlobal and PFG.

Now the little punk, Jamie Dimon, along with Nazi lesbian DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, are prepared to loot the entire federally insured accounts of average Americans.

Jhaines Blog: Neil Keenan Points Readers to The Monaco Colloquium

The Monaco Colloquium – August 2011 – Neil directed me here, but says this is not exactly the way it all happened.

I think it’s close enough though, or he would have been more specific. I believe one thing that was different was that it was Neil himself who confronted Jay Rockefeller and kept him off the boat in a not very subtle manner :)   ~J


Picture: US Sen Jay Rockefeller. Not a happy bunny after The Monaco Colloquium.

US Senator Jay Rockefeller (Democrat – West Virginia).

Monaco Colloquium – August 2011. The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice. Switzerland leads a fifty-seven nation geopolitical board change. The current governments of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are actively excluded from executive decisions concerning the new global gold-backed financial system.

It was a step-change moment destined to be savoured by future historians. For the period of a week towards the end of August 2011, a secret meeting of fifty-seven finance ministers from across the globe began the long-prepared-for task of setting up a new international asset-backed financial system.

The gathering was a powerful invitation-only colloquium, hosted by Switzerland, which started on dry land in the Principality of Monaco & Monte-Carlo, and then moved onto a major naval vessel in adjacent international waters. In subsequent commentary, this conference has sometimes been referred to as “The Meeting of 57“ and the outcome as “The Monaco Accords”.

John Kettler: ETs/EDs–What Are They Doing For Us?

ETs/EDs Hold Earth Together! Image Credit: NASA via Wikimedia Commons
ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces figure prominently on this site. Yet, despite seemingly endless reassurances and evidence that they are doing something, over and above fighting a raging multidimensional war, people still keep asking “What are the ETs/EDs doing for us?” So, I’ve decided to share a direct experience I recently had, as a result of a truly remarkable visit to what I’ll call a Planetary Stabilization Ship, or PSS.

The ETs/EDs of the Liberation Forces operate a bunch of special purpose ships. Per what I was told by Ground Contingent, these vessels are enormously expensive, are custom built at starbases  by other ETs/EDs who do such highly demanding work. The stakes can be nothing less than species survival, for two such dedicated ships are keeping this planet from ripping asunder!

David Rockefeller Confronted - Send a Letter to David Rockefeller

Send a Letter or Visit:

David Rockefeller
146 East 65 Street
New York, NY 10021

Luke Rudkowski, Tom Foti and other members of confront David Rockefeller, kingpin spokesperson for the New World Order-- who has stated in his autobiography that he is an 'internationalist and proud' and not only intends to destroy the sovereignty of the United States in favor of world government, but claims to have set in motion 'irreversible' actions to that end.

Rockefeller has used literally hundreds of intitutions and foundations-- many of which he or his family's dynasty have founded-- to pursue world government, including the most notorious organizations, all of which he covers in the 'Proud Internationalist'chapter of "Memoirs"-- the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, amongst many, many others.

WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski-- a freelance reporter for used the book Memoirs to seek an autograph in excuse to approach and confront the aging traitor outside of his New York home.

The Power of your Heart

It's miraculous the impact that each and every on of you have on each other and every living creature on Earth. Many are awakening and re-recognizing the intelligence of the heart. Yes, your heart has intelligence. Your heart actually communicates to every other heart, literally and electro-magnetically. All your hearts are talking right now to one and another. Every single beat of your heart sends out an electromagnetic pulse at the speed of light. In which travels 7 times around the Earth in 1 second, in all directions. That means instantly every single one of those beats pulsates around and through the entire planet from every single being on it. You are immersed in each other's heartbeats. You don't have to do anything to have an impact on anybody; all you have to do is simply be.

Read More Here...

Ben Swann - Reality Check: Muslim Protests Have Nothing To Do With A Youtube Video?

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at the U.N. call for banning blasphemy and whether it is based on a false narrative