Tuesday, January 15, 2013

SoldierHugs: The Pied Pipers of Recycled Smoke-Part 2-BLISS

Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets, we dance like the marionettes, swaying to the "symphony of destruction"...
Megadeth, "Symphony of Destruction"

The beautiful melody emanating from the Pied Piper's flute is the recycled smoke called BLISS!

My good friend Billy at http://www.new tomorrow.us emailed me this article in pdf form below.

Finally, another person who is starting to call into question the overall deductive reasoning and mechanics of what everyone perceives as the "Bad Guys vs. the Good Guys". When in reality these are nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. You won't see these 2 sides clearly unless your standing on the edge of the coin...

"Beware of the Dragon, for he speaks with a forked tongue"

High Financial Affairs

The reason I have decided to post this piece is not because of its excellent overview or disclosure of additional players not known before,which it certainly does, but rather because at its conclusion it finally begins to ask the REAL questions that I feel people have alluded most people.

Ask yourselves this question: Do you think the people who follow the current "Bad Guys vs. Good Guys" drama, would do so if there was no "Bounty, Prosperity, and MONEY" aspect attached to it? Do you think that millions of people who consider themselves "awake" would follow so closely the daily "whispers" of these things to come if such efforts and campaign was aimed solely at the betterment of the Planet, its Populations, and the natural progression of humanity vs. a manipulated one? How many in this following do so because of its proclaimed "Monetary Infusions" thereby handing everyone the indulgence of "material aspects" of a perceived happiness and experience?

Is this what Humanity was meant for?

As such, I included here some personal comments of my own that I recently shared with the author above as well as a couple of others who were also sent this article for review and posting.
Your own perspective, is of course, Your OWN.

I have also read Billy's pdf this morning.

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