Friday, January 18, 2013

The '6th' Sun - A Survival Guide by Chris Thomas

Date: Wed,16 Jan 2013

Below is a preview of the attached 32 page mini book from Chris Thomas regarding the 2012 event and the arrival of the 6th Sun. To read the full pdf mini book please scroll down to the bottom to download and read.

Here is a preview of the first few pages:

What is the “6th” Sun?

The concept of a series of “Suns” is Mayan in origin. Each “Sun” provides the energies for each stage of human development on Earth.

The Mayan Calendar provides a framework of measurement that allowed the builders of the Calendar to track the progress of each Sun and predict when the old Sun would change to a new Sun, heralding a potential change of state of being for Earth?s inhabitants.

The Mayan Calendar is reputed to be 5,250 years old and it began with the start of a “5th Sun” and completed, at midnight, on the 21st of December 2012 where the Calendar returned to zero and marked the shift to the “6th Sun”. The Calendar is actually 7,000 years old – see later.

There was a huge amount of confusion surrounding the ending of the Mayan Calendar with many predicting the end of the world – the destruction of planet Earth.

The end of the Earth clearly did not happen, so what did?

The Mayan Calendar is based on the time cycles that relate to Guatemala, the Mayan homeland. The Calendar ended, and re-set itself, at midnight on the 21 of December

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2012 Guatemalan time.

This relates to:
7 am GMT in London on the 22nd
6 pm in Sydney, Australia, on the 22nd
2 am in New York, America, on the 22nd

So what happened?

To understand what actually happened, we have to look at the fundamental make-up of our Universe and how we on Earth fit into the Universe?s whole and the way in which we exist.

We, humans, have become so used to seeing ourselves in a physical way that we have, largely, forgotten that we are a created collection of energy frequencies - something we call a soul or a consciousness.

In order to take on our physical bodies, the soul constructs a shell made up of the energy frequencies that are specific to the Earth. This energetic shell we more usually call our bodies.

It is easy to forget that we are, like everything else that exists within the whole of Creation, comprised of energy frequencies that collect together to form physical matter.

Underlying the constructive energies of this Universe is the concept of freedom of choice. Each soul exists in a state and a location of its own choosing.

In order to come to Earth we have made a soul choice to be here and to take on the energies of the Earth in order to become physical. We become physical because we have made a free choice to experience what being physical is all about.

Wearenotabodythathasasoulbutasoul that has built for itself a body.
Our souls are comprised of a specific set of energy frequencies that add up to an average of 50 dimensions.

Unfortunately, not all of the energies of the soul are contained within the physical body. These dimensional energies are divided into two parts:
The so-called “Higher Self” and the “Physical Self”

The physical self is the amount of soul energy contained within the physical body – comprising of approximately 12 or 13 dimensions – personified by the seven primary “Chakras” – see later. The remainder of the soul – approximately 27 or 28 dimensions, makes up the higher self.

Both the higher and lower aspects of the soul have total freedom of choice in accordance with the fundamental energy structure of this Universe.

When we first arrived on Earth, at the time of Atlantis, we had the whole of the soul contained within the physical body. But, owing to the Earth?s particular set of energy frequencies, we decided, 7,000 years ago, to divide the soul into its higher and physical components. The reason for dividing the soul in this way was in order to explore how we could live on Earth and bring the whole of the soul back into the body – soul re- integration.

This choice, to divide the soul and explore how we could re-integrate it back into the body, is known, within the Akashic2, as “The Human Plan”.

The full story of why we were forced to divide the soul in this way is outside of the scope of this particular essay. See the author?s previous essays and books.

The Human Plan

Essentially, The Human Plan was a plan where all of the souls that had chosen to come to Earth would collectively work together to discover the frequency at which both the Earth and humans needed to resonate in order to re-merge the whole soul back into the body and maintain that whole soul state permanently.

The Earth considers a Human Being to be a whole soul contained within a physical body and so, for the past 7,000 years, the Earth has considered us to be sub-human. The purpose of the Human Plan was to make us a true Human Being again.

When the Human Plan was formulated, it was known that the solar system and galaxy work on approximately 26,000 year cycles and so the Human Plan was timed to end at the point at which one cycle completed and another begun. This beginning of this new galactic cycle, a 6th Sun, would provide us with a massive influx of new energies that would allow us to complete the Human Plan and move forwards into a new era of soul re- integration, a new era of being Human Beings once again.

This is the significance of the Mayan Calendar and what the 6th Sun is all about – new energies leading to a new state of being.

According to the Akashic, the 7,000 years of the Human Plan actually ran out at the end of 2011 and this coincided with the ending of the last “epoch” of the Mayan Calendar on the 28th of October.

The ending of the last epoch and the Human Plan also coincided with the ending of a huge build up of energies that brought humanity and the Earth into frequency parity where the process of soul re-integration could begin. The additional year between the end of 2011 and the 21st of December 2012 was given to us to allow us to clear out any final emotional problems that we had not been able to clear before then.

However, humans being humans, we didn?t finalise our part of the bargain with the Earth and a huge number of people who had stated that they were ready to undergo soul re- integration were not.

But, the Earth being the mother-figure that She has always been took pity on human failings and instead of insisting that those who were not in a position to undergo soul re-integration left the planet, She modulated the huge new energies of the 6th Sun to give those who lagged behind a little more time. The Earth did not need to do this as almost 3 million people, world-wide, have already undergone full soul re-integration.

No matter what reasons people come up with to excuse their lack of completion, these 3 million had overcome all of their difficulties and completed their soul re-integration. Given this level of completions, the Earth could have called a halt to our sub-human presence on Earth and insisted that we leave and return to our places of soul origin. But the Earth is a caring mother and She has allowed Her children a little more time to achieve their chosen aims.

The 21st of December 2012 was the perfect opportunity for those who were ready to undergo full soul re-integration to take advantage of the energy change. Unfortunately nobody in the westernised world did take advantage of this opportunity but about 300,000 in the non-westernised world did – these people raised the total of Human Beings up to almost 3 million.


In 1996, a new energy source was connected to the planet. This new energy was designed to provide all of our soul energy needs through 2012 and far into the future.

Along with this energy connection a question was asked. This question was:
“Are you, as an individual, ready to complete your part of the Human Plan?”
This question was asked on a higher self level to ensure that the answers received were as accurate and honest as possible. What is meant by this is that if you asked the average person on the street the same question the answers would have ranged from “what are you talking about?” from those who are unaware of their potential for change, to “of course I am” from those who consider themselves “spiritual”.

Given that many of those who consider themselves to be spiritually aware would have said “yes” regardless of their state of readiness and many of those who are not spiritually aware are ready even though they do not understand the concept, the only way of determining as accurate an answer as possible was to ask the question of our higher selves as the higher self can be nothing but totally honest.

The results were disappointing.

The global population in 1996, according to the Akashic, peaked at 7.4 billion and 60 per cent of that population said they were not ready to complete their part of the Human Plan.

Since 1996, the population has markedly dropped in numbers and by the start of 2012 the global population was around 3.9 billion where it remains in the present day.

This means that every single person, alive on the planet today, is capable of completing their individual part of the Human Plan and re-integrating their whole soul back into the body. So why are there only 3 million people who have?

Looking back through human history, it can be seen that there were several points when we could have undergone this change but, for whatever reason, did not.

There is no apparent reason for humanity?s failures. Except perhaps one: people are too afraid to acknowledge the freedom of choice they actually have in their lives and find it easier to put up with their failures than to work towards a larger success.

The 21st of December 2012 was not a failure because the 6th Sun formed as it was intended to. What was a failure was people?s inability to let go of their past and freely move into a new future. 3 million people have made this change, regardless of their personal circumstances or the circumstances imposed upon them by the likes of governments and the Illuminati so why did nobody else?

It is the answer to this last question that is the reason for this essay and the reason why the Earth took pity on Her “children” and modulated the impact of the energies of the 6th Sun.

What humanity now needs to do is to understand its potential and actively work towards fulfilling that potential.

We have time to achieve this and every person who is currently alive has the potential to achieve this, what is required is the will to change themselves.

Human Potential...

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