Saturday, February 9, 2013

Benjamin Fulford: 2nd Response About Illuminati

RE: ILLUMINATI Use China to Loot the West

Thanks for your prompt response. I was wondering if you could expound especially on the matter of old Euro Royalty. There are quite serious researchers who regard them as the true secret inheritors of ancient Egyptian and Sumerian knowledge-this is extremely significant (hold your breath!).

It seems most of the original blue bloods were pure African and mulatto. I don't know your policy on unsolicited attachments, (sorry in advance!) so I've supplied photos of early Prince Albert Hohenzollern along with the usual faked image, Rahman bin Saud,the ancestor of the ruling Saud (there are no photos extant even on the site), Charles 5th black,prognathous  mummy,and a one page compilation of some Hapsburgs.

I'm genuinely interested in your opinion. If its all bullshit,I'll accept that.

I know your time is limited and would be grateful if though you're unable to respond could direct me to knowledgeable sources.


ps whatever happened to the thing in your back?


Since the Rothschilds and other European bloodlines trace themselves back to Mesopotamia and ancient Judea, which were a cross-roads between Africa, Asia and Europe, it is quite likely African blood is included in their ancestry. However, this is the first time I have ever heard of this so I will put up the photos and see if anybody else has anything to add on the subject.  I will also ask some European nobility and see what they say.

As for the thing in my back, it was a kind of tumour known as a teratoma. The doctor was reluctant to tell me about it because he thought I would be upset at the loss of a twin brother born inside my spinal chord.
