Monday, February 11, 2013

Benjamin Fulford: Petraeus and Benghazi

This is an article from The Daily Mail alleging that Petraeus was forced out in a coup from high level CIA personnel with assistance from his bodyguards. It also states the Benghazi attacks were blowback from off the books attacks ordered by the White House.
Does this fit with information your sources have given you?


That article is based on sources who were only able to see part of the story due to the compartmentalized way information is distributed among special operations types. The true story is that "Ambassador Stevens," was involved in planning the 311/2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. He was in Libya directing a shift of Al CIAda resources to topple the Siryian government. He was deliberately placed in danger like a worm on a hook to see who he would contact for help. This was meant to uncover the network behind the 311 attack and a planned (and prevented) nulcear attack against the London Olympics. The result of the Stevens operation was the dismissal of 26 senior US military and intelligence personel, including Petraeus, linked to the Nazi Odessa network headed by George Bush Sr. They were planning to start WW3 by attacking themselves in the Persian Gulf and blaming it on Iran. That has been prevented as well.

The sources from what I wrote above include MI6, CIA and Japanese Military Intelligence.

Benjamin Fulforde