Sunday, April 14, 2013

RTS: The Science of BE'ing & DO'ing...and a little tough love

This article by D, is very self empowering and along with the video is worthy of watching.  I posted a snippet of the article, so you would want to visit RTS to read the whole post and see the video.  Enjoy!

RTS Blog Source Link:

I'm still struggling to finish watching this video- it's taken me 2 hours to watch 30 minutes of it..... small children are not conducive to peaceful video watching- but several people have sent this to me in the past 24 hours and so far it's definitely worth watching!

(hmmmmm.... just checked the time and it's taken me 45 minutes just to type that paragraph.  This might just end up being the most disjointed post I have ever made, lol!)

I highly recommend watching this video.  This is not about "New Age" stuff.  This is not about "Ascension" stuff.  This is SCIENCE.   Science that the main stream has been trying to ignore and blackball for years.  Why?  Because once Humans-  ALL BEings in this Universe- realize that their minds contain the ability to change mater and energy, just by thought..... then all their slavery systems crumble.

You are constantly told "You can't do that"  "It's impossible" "that's unrealistic" "You're not smart/strong/pretty/fast enough"

You are constantly bombarded with images and scenes and propaganda creating a world on a pedestal in which you are made to feel.... unworthy.

The Cabal, their wizard masters and their puppets have spent eons insuring that you are a slave- financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. All for one reason:


They lie to you constantly through their media, government buildings and religious pulpits for one and only ONE reason- to brainwash you into thinking that THEY control YOU. To convince you that you have to DO what they tell you because for some magical reason they have power over you.

There is no one controlling you.  There is only YOU. Only you can give them your energy. Only you can give them the ability to control you.

If you want to move forward, then stop looking backward.  If you want to be free, then stop focusing your attention on why you are not free and focus instead on the fact that you ARE free. Every time you dwell on your problems- whether real or perceived- you are empowering that problem to happen- you are giving it permission to happen to you and for it to grow bigger and stronger every time you give it your energy.

Don't focus on the Problem- Focus on the SOLUTION!! Don't continually say "I Can't!", say  "I CAN!!". Then look for the solution.

... and if your mind strays into those realms of dwelling on a problem, then sort yourself out- state emphatically  "I do NOT consent!".  Every time I have a negative thought, I give my head a shake and say "Strike that! I do NOT consent!"

Continue Reading and Watch The Video at ..........