Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jim Willie: Golden Paradigm Shift!

Gold and USTBonds aint a market. Their so-called official trading arenas are empty rooms with USGovt and USFed devices filling the empty space, creating a phony price. The false Gold price has no real supply. The false Bond price has no real demand. The claimed price is not where Supply meets Demand to clear the table on the market.  Neither Gold more the USTBonds are a real market.

A Paradigm Shift is underway. The United States and its fascist allies are not in control. They will not find a path to retain or regain control. They have no solutions. The most powerful element of the shift has been the movement of gold wealth from Western locations to Eastern locations.

The world reacts by searching for a USDollar alternative, since the removal of the Gold Standard has crippled the world and permitted widespread fraud. The new standard will usher in the new Gold Trade Standard.

The US account holders will be treated with stock shares in conversion for the dead banks, whose value will converge quickly to zeroExpect soon the result to be a climax with bank runs.The bank runs will coincide with bullion bank runs, the fast removal of gold held in inventory vaults at the bullion banks.

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