Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SuperWoo Radio Episode 11 Released

Emma Stow


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Dear Friends,

I am happy to announce Super Woo Radio Episode 11, "Authentic Astrology” with special guest Emma Stow, is now available at www.superwooradio.com.au and iTunes.


From a very young age, Emma always had an interest in Astrology but it wasn’t until 2000 that she embraced it full time after first working as a musician. She has since dedicated her life in helping others through what Emma calls ‘Star Soul Astrology’. The focus is the relationship Humans have with the co-creative process of evolution. Emma has been creating events such as the, ‘Glastonbury Zodiac Workshop’ in the UK, and other events in numerous countries in Europe, helping people to connect with the consciousness of the land, the Earth, the Sun and the Stars. The intent is to help people better understand their relationship with the greater environment and ultimately with themselves; to understand themselves as a Universal Being. 

This amazing show is as deep as it gets and we begin with discussing how understanding the deeper nature of astrology shows that we are not victims of circumstance. That stars and planets influence us, but also that we influence them. We also discuss the cyclical, spherical and spiral nature of time, its link to DNA and structure of our Solar System. 

Emma shares about her new book, The Revolution of Being, and the importance of the meaning of the title, as we explore “Being” the change you want to see in the world and how it affects our planet. Also, how reclaiming our Divinity is not an egoic issue and how crucial this understanding is in overcoming the fear we have around the power of our Divinity.

We look into the time around, and after the Solstice and Equinox, along with deep and insightful wisdom of the how and why it has left people feeling disillusioned. We discuss how liberating ourselves from pain is through embracing it, and understanding that pain ultimately also wants to be released from the experience; that’s why it presents itself. We then venture into the re-alignment and integration of our physical body with our light body, and facing our feelings without judgment. Have we forgotten how to be free from pain? Re-adjusting ourselves to living without pain and being peaceful after the intensity of the drama at the end of the cycle. We are all having to re-define our understanding of things.

I ask Emma what our current and future astrology means, for the Masculine and the Feminine, as we then discuss how Woman has forgotten how to be Woman, and Man has forgotten how to be Man, and how we are supporting each other through this process of finding ourselves once again.

We hike the beautiful landscape of knowing the importance of accessing your own wisdom as the tool to freedom, and in doing so we are stepping out bravely and embracing the change. We learn the need to stop comparing ourselves to other people. The power of knowing the truth about us as Universal Beings, and how we can only recognise the Heart Soul Essence in another, through first recognising it in ourselves. 

Then we discuss understanding our sacred relationship with the Land and how that relationship mirrors back our inner landscape of the heart. How there is no longer one place that is more sacred than another, more holy than another.

This is an epic show traversing the deeper landscapes of the Universal environment around us and within ourselves. It is a discussion of incredible information and immense wisdom. Enjoy!

Emma’s website is www.emmastowastrology.co.uk

Some sad news now, unfortunately Jason will not be able to be my co-host on Super Woo Radio moving forward. His corporate and personal realms are currently at a crucial juncture in his life, and consequently he needs to withdraw. I wish Jason all the very best for his courage and living true to his heart. We will miss you "Big J".

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