Sunday, September 29, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Selling Interview With Karen Hudes for $500,000

Thanks to Anon5387

Source Link:

Quick Overview

This is a two-part interview with Karen Hudes, the former Chief Council of the World Bank. Since we both directly watched the people who actually run this planet for decades, we were able to fill gaps in each other’s knowledge about what is really happening at the top of the global financial and power system.  
This time, I will be selling only one copy of the video and asking for $500,000 in payment for it. The money will be deposited in the White Dragon Foundation bank account and used to purchase $1 trillion worth of Federal Reserve Board bonds from the original holder. We will turn over the ownership of the bonds to the Japanese government and then go through official channels to try to cash them. This will be done publicly and openly in an attempt to break the deadlock at the top of the financial system and unleash vast funds for humanitarian work.