Monday, September 23, 2013


The following is a written transcript of an audio interview with a state official of a European Union country.  It contains a number of key points concerning coming times, various races including reptilians, and his journey into higher levels of power within the government.

This interview is pasted into the body of this frame for ease in searching terms etc.  However, due to the strange formatting issues with Word there are spacing issues.  The pdf file however has a better layout.





Just background.....

D:            When I go into the off-world contacts you can you can identify me as an official in a European Member State to make it fairly loose when I go into the off-world stuff.
K:            For me, in terms of your trajectory, can you give me just the nuts and bolts in how you got from point A to point B to where you are today in the position you are in?  Did you have some special help to get into those positions that you hold?
D:             My country is a small country to get a job, everyone has to have some help.
K:             So was the help coming from any direction, in other words, associated with the Vatican, Academia etc?
D:             No, no.  Let’s say local politics but on top of local politics there was the off-world connection.
K:             Did you feel this was a positive off-world connection that was guiding you, or helping you along, or not?
D:             It’s mixed.  Now, I was made aware of this off-world connection and I was asked to do a lot of reading on Helena Blavatsky.  I was instructed to read books like ‘Isis Unveiled’ and ‘The Secret Doctrine’ as well as ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to prepare me. I was also referred to the old Egyptian religion and pointedly the ‘Egyptian Book of the Dead’. I was pointedly told that ,typically, eighty years after the inception of any religion, it {the religion] starts to get distorted, usually in a severe fashion, as careerists under illuminati or parallel agendas.  
                 I went through the material and I was also alerted to certain situations in the past, certain anomalies, a point in fact being the high point of the nuclear crisis between the US and Russia in the early Sixties and, I was given an indication about how the situation had been resolved through an off-world connection.  If one follows the exchanges between the Kennedy side and the Russian side one can note that the correspondence appears to be erratic.  The situation was this: Kennedy was hot headed, Jackie was less so.  What off world controllers did was this: a phone call to the Russian side was faked – simulated with Kennedy’s voice and that is why the sequence is so erratic and that is why the Russian reaction was so bizarre.  That is why you see the Americans answering the first letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy and not the second angry letter[1].

K:            So, the faked Kennedy voice, was this trying to escalate or calm down the situation?
 D:           No, to calm them down . . . to diffuse.
K             But Kennedy’s real reaction was more aggressive?
P             Yes and akin to that of an arrogant young boy–  although towards the end of his life he changed a bit.
K:            What does Jackie have to do with it?
P;            Because Jackie was in to Buddhism and so on.
K:            Did they reach her?
D:            They used to her to calm things down in the background.
K:            Are you able to say who ‘they’ is?
D:            Let’s say – a parallel civilisation or better civilisations. One parallel human civilisation which some of us are about which is Neuschwabenland and has a population of  between 20,000 to 30 000 is governed by councils.  There are another 3 parallel civilisations.  One has a population of about ½ million, another of 5 million.  There are 3 groups: R, A and L.  R are the reptilians; A are the Atlanteans; L are the Lemurians.  The Atlanteans number about ½ million and the Lemurians about 5 million, although the populations sizes vary.  Within the Lemurian side there are 4 sub races.  The Atlanteans and Lemurians work well relatively together. The Reptilians are opposed to them.  The Atlantean technology is more advanced than the Lemurian.  When Atlantis collapsed some of the survivors moved somewhere else, but they are still with us in close proximity, although time flows rather differently there.[2]

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