Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Just Released - Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Session 1

Published on Oct 22, 2013
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a great success. We brought 40 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses to the National Press Club in Washington to testify for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 former members of the U. S. Congress regarding events and evidence for extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1947.

The following is Day 1 Sessions AM and PM in full DVD quality.

We will now take the CHD to Capitol Hill. With your help DVD and Blu-Ray sets of the CHD are being produced and on track to finish production later this year. At that time a copy of these DVDs will be sent to each member of the House and Senate. That's 535 box sets, 10 disc for each set. This initiative will be accompanied by a public campaign to encourage Congress to review the CHD testimony and meet with PRG's lobbyist Stephen Bassett to discuss the immediate need for hearings for scores of witnesses ready to testify under oath.The following is Day 1 Sessions AM and PM in full DVD quality.

For more information, please visit:

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure IF THE CONGRESS WON'T DO ITS JOB, THE PEOPLE WILL. http://www.citizenhearing.org/