Sunday, October 13, 2013

They offered me the world…by Dutchsinse with rebuttal from American Kabuki

Source Link:


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All I can tell you, is that when they offer you the money, DO NOT TAKE IT.
Thats my only word of advice, the rest is up to you all to decide how to handle.

Here is a copy of the only email I have regarding this.

This is my response (after the offer came via a personal offer, after the oath was sent for me to sign, after they asked for my passport and thumbprint), I sent a message back letting them know I could not take part due to personal reasons..

mail to dutchsinse

Here is a copy of the oath that was asked to be signed , a copy of passport and thumbprint also required when sending in for approval (to obtain diplomatic status) :
download the .pdf here:


mail to dutchsinse oath

My facebook post today which started this cascade:
All links below to aid in the BEGINNING of your search:…1163479.1176891.0.1177518.…0…1c.1.25.serp-shj..13.10.2690.ihJF0AejmQE


Source Link:


Dutchsinse: Purported White Dragon/OPPT Oaths....

Note to Dutchsinse: the OPPT has nothing to do with the White Dragon Society, Swissindo, or...yes he did say it....Aleister Crowley (REALLY Dutch... Crowley??? Really???) or any purported OPPT oaths.  Whomever is claiming to represent the OPPT is doing so fraudulently.   The OPPT has NEVER asked anyone to do ANY oaths.  Anyone who has sworn an oath to a fraud is not bound to it in any case.  Whether these contacts have money remains to be seen...but they are not the OPPT.  The OPPT is a reconciled trust that is no longer in operation.  It has been superseded by the I Value System.  
Sounds like Swissindo to me...given the UN reference but the OPPT has not done any deal with Swissindo or the WDS nor is likely ever to do so with any such organization that refuses operate in complete transparency and accountability.  Does secret oaths sound like transparency to you?