Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SuperWoo Radio Episode 18 - Anunnaki

Perry Mills


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Hallo Friends,

I am pleased to announce Super Woo Radio Episode 18 “Anu Nnaki” (part 1 of 3) with special guest Perry Mills, is now available at

Perry Mills is a father and a husband, and an engineer who has been making parts for aircraft and aerospace craft for over 30 years. Perry has been a truth seeker from a very young age; he was part of the “Flower Power Generation” and “Peace Movement” of the sixties and seventies, and involved as a political activist through these decades. Perry then went to India and pursued two different guru paths, and enjoyed a deep and passionate study into both eastern and western wisdom and worked as an astrologer, tarot reader and kabalist. His experience in the areas of entheogenic journeying, divining modalities, energy reading, experiential shamanism and automatic writing is extensive. 

Perry is well versed on the subject of extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional influences on mankind. He is also a trained mediator in conflict resolution, with a focus on balancing personal, socio/political and psycho/spiritual power dynamics. He has written many articles and co-authored the book “Surfing the Transformational Waves of 2012” with his wife, Kelly La Sha. Concurrently, with all of his other pursuits, he has been an avid guitarist and songwriter, performing professionally and recording no less than 5 musical albums. After forty years of esoteric study, Perry's passion is now geared toward the synthesis of the mysteries of both dual and non-dual spiritual paths, simultaneous time, and practical magic. Currently, he is focusing on our personal access to 5th dimensional awareness, divine creativity, and direct connection to the infinite power of Love. 

It was about 30 years ago that Perry was first exposed to the works of Zecharia Sitchin in regards to the Anu Nnaki and has been passionately researching the subject ever since.

In this amazing interview, we discuss the Anu Nnaki, finding of the tablets in the 1850’s in Mesopotamia, Zecharia Sitchin, Ziggurats, Nibiru, genetic engineering, the gods of the ancient world, the Sumerian pantheon and the connection to the Egyptian pantheon according to Sitchin, the priestly caste, the making of the lineages of royalty, the draconians, the reptilians, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, our spiritual lineage and journey through the cosmic matrix, Illuminati, secret societies, power hierarchies, false identities and our sovereignty.

This is truly a profound and substantial 3-part series that ventures into the depths of the Anu Nnaki, Humanity and the essence of life. 

For further exploration of Perry’s work please visit

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For a more in-depth discussion [with george] you can book a private session at

Be Your Authentic Self!

Love, liberation and fortitude,
george kavassilas

Super Woo Radio
 PO Box 32, Edwardstown SA 5039, Australia