Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tolec Update - December 10, 2013


Biosphere Xanterexx & 2 large scale Procyon star ships from the planet Kaena accompanying it -
a status update:

12.10.13. [see bottom of this status update for new information]​No matter what any entity has attempted to do, including what a recent, "Illuminati" directed, Earth authorized, Moon based operation did in its failed attempt to destroy the biosphere Xanterrex {diameter: 300 miles} & the 2 ships accompanying it, with absolutely no cause & effect, no damage whatsoever...

the biosphere Xanterrex & the 2 ships accompanying it are still completely functional, on their way here... planned for arrival into very high orbit over Earth sometime in our near future. This planet and its people are in for some amazing, fantastic experiences like never before in its modern history. It will be positive & life changing.

Concise. Straight forward. Direct. Uncomplicated information.

Please click on the below link for independent 'confirmation' of the report I provided in my above status update on the biosphere Xanterexx & its accompanying ships. Make close attention to what is written on page 7 forward... to the end of this document. Thank you.