Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bashar - December 21, 2012 and the Agenda for Contact With the "Interstellar Alliance"

Published on Jan 1, 2013
This video was uploaded by TheOnlyTrueStyle2 on 9/16/09
In this clip from 2009, Bashar discusses several topics, including:
- the significance of the date December 21, 2012
- the most likely timeline for open contact with the civilizations currently visiting us from other planets

The People Fight Back Against the NDAA

Veteran's Today Headlines - January 1, 2012

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       January 01, 2013
ScreenHunter_1090 Dec. 31 21.06Gun Control After Sandy Hook
A good friend in academe has sent me a copy of an excellent article by Professor Joyce Malcolm of the excellent Georgetown University Law School, published in the Wall Street Journal.
The NeoCon and Israeli Lobby Poster GirlJim W. Dean
Is Pam Geller America's Queen of Hate? - Ask Ted Pike
"No writer ever licked me till they put me on a stamp!"Kevin Barrett
Two new "truther book reviews": Morocco for morons, Faulkner's tales of human sacrifice
UN-Arab-League mediator Lakhdar BrahimiDr. Ismail Salami
Towards Balkanization? Syria Swings between Hell and Dialogue
ScreenHunter_877 Nov. 08 16.27Gordon Duff
Asteroid to threaten Earth in 2013
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - December 31, 2012
image001Veterans Today
Thailand: A Better Choice for Veterans
hold backStuart Littlewood
Go-go-go, PLO! What is Holding You Back?
queenVeterans Today
Press TV: Is the Queen Knighting Rascals?
David RockefellerDean Henderson
David Rockefeller and the Looting of Iran
ScreenHunter_1087 Dec. 31 12.05SARTRE
Preppers, Patriots and Pirates
Chuck Hagel, Knifed In The Back By The Lobby
It must kill Chuck Hagel's nomination in order to set an example for current and future legislators who may contemplate maintaining the sort of independent profile Hagel did. »»
George Orwell and 1984 Quotation VNN
Paul Craig Roberts
America's Descent into Deception and Tyranny: Agenda Prevails Over Truth
In the Western world truth no longer has any meaning. In its place stands agenda. »»
Alison Weir
Advertisements in New York Times and beyond
The Defense Department funnels hundreds of millions of dollars into Israel's deadly military machine; American diplomacy in the Middle East is impotent thanks to the Israel lobby's manipulation of our State Department; and a host of little known programs such as loan guarantees are a burden taxpayers should not bear. »»

Sheldan Nidle Update for January 1, 2013

12 Ben, 19 Mol, 9 Eb

Dratzo! Taj Jai Dan! (Happy New Dawn!) We return! A new epoch is dawning for humanity! Let us start with a brief description of what has happened so far. Our sacred secret allies, with the assistance of your Ascended Masters, have put into position a new financial system and begun to instruct various key individuals in the distribution of the hard-backed currencies associated with this new banking system. Meanwhile, those who are to take up positions to replace old-order officials in the present de facto regimes are preparing the announcements which will transform your world 'in the twinkling of an eye.' Further, the Light-oriented military and militia groups are poised to complete a legal putsch that will put a series of new, de jure governments into power. Once done, the announcements will be broadcast and the six major components of NESARA will become the law of the land. Initially these acts will: restore the Constitution; ensure the establishment of common law; and institute the use of a set of new hard-backed currencies worldwide. These will be the monies activating the new banking system and establishing global prosperity.

   Banks will be rechartered and corporations dissolved and replaced with socially responsible partnerships. Large banks and corporations are to be broken up. New documents detailing the legal requirement for full transparency between these various institutions and the public will be stressed. The people will be asked to inform themselves and become a vital part of this process. These new partnerships will be adjured to recognize the need to help Gaia and work toward redressing the many problems created by decades of global carelessness. These bodies will be publicly regulated and must interact with their now-prosperous communities to bring an end to industrial pollution and energetically promote the age of clean energy, which uses zero-point and light-beam technologies. We intend to assist you by giving you technology which takes your interactive capabilities to a new level and which permits your communities to move away from corporate agriculture and any other 'traditional' industries that can harm Gaia and her diverse and fragile ecosystems.

The Oracle Report - January 1, 2013

The Oracle Report
Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Awakening
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Leo/Virgo

There is beautiful energy in place for harnessing personal power and beginning anew.  It's not a natural time for a new beginning (that would be with New Moons) but there is much to work with if you want to start something.  Disseminating Moon phase is the time for sharing.  What we share with each other builds our awareness and provides information we need on our personal journeys.
Be aware that there is an element today where things are not as they appear (including some people).  This is not a good day to sign anything important or to commit to something you aren't one hundred percent sure about.  There's too much potential for deception.


GaiaPortal Update January 1, 2013

Seminal Frequencies Have Been Activated and Empowered

Seminal frequencies planted last year have been activated and empowered. These Higher frequencies could only be activated post 12-12-12 to 12-21-12 period, and post 12-31-12. Today’s 1-1-13 at 11:13 provided ideal gateway for activation, Gaia planet-wide.

Those experiencing pulsations in body and heart chakra are resonating with identical pulsations occurring Gaia planet-wide.

There is no precedent for this, and many will depart 3D as a result.

Alignment/harmonization with the Higher Frequency Gaia Pulsations brings expansion in awareness of Higher Purpose, and the Power to carry that out.

Drumming aligns the Body-Mind-Spirit with the New Gaia Pulsations.

Galactic Ground Crew:
Next missions have been formulated and delivered. Each has received instructions for next steps and has been contacted or will be, shortly. Attention to body sleep dream messages is encouraged. But instructions will be delivered… one way or another.

Be present… Be aware. That is all.


OP-ED From An AscensionWithEarth Viewer Named Sam

Enerchi, may feel free to post the following separately. . . I am having computer problems or I would offer the usual way. . . :-)

In the "meantime[s]" [Ever think about the need to change that expression? "Deadlines" would be another as we need Lifelines, as presented here] and as wee have serious need for the powerful safe solution, that real Truth provides, and as no one yet commented, and I have seen this posting, which is very important, here for a while,

I am taking the liberty to provide an extended answer/comment for the sake of --enabling-- liberty, which the real accurate understanding and application of Truth does -- through a better penetration of just what Truth is and how, when applied, we see the right answer about "how to" and "who should" lead, about gun control issues, and about how to get this planet to a blessed state-- which, very seriously, only truthful people can even imagine; that is a literal and powerfully empowering statement, which will also be explained.

Further we show how the right understanding of Truth, the law that it actually is -- is the answer, when applied to ALL our problems, how to apply it and how to make it our critical PUBLIC POLICY EVERYWHERE, ENDING ALL DISHONEST, MUDDLED ARGUMENTS, ENDING --ALL-- DIVISION AND TRULY SETTING US FREE COLLECTIVELY AND INDIVIDUALLY.

There will be a lot here, including a theory of why ill exists -- apart from and quite challenging to the "fall of man" account, which simply has man coming onto the planet, damaged guilty and unworthy -- especially of a financial system that would bless his true worth -- and pay him --FIRST, so that he may SAFELY pursue all worthy business - and not be bribed, co-erced, or cornered into WHAT RESTICTS FREEDOM AND THREATENS US TODAY; There is a lot here for you, and taken from a larger work PENETRATING THIS VERY ISSUE OF TRUTH, WHICH WILL BE A POWERFUL TOOL FOR YOU AND ALL YOU KNOW, TO BE SPREAD QUICKLY TO ALL WHOM YOU DON'T.

By the way, an added benefit of employing this system, is that you develop your gifts -- creative, psychic, and become free of all addictions; that is a promise, if you conscientiously apply it. People who can psychically hear from or get contact with others, are employing a God-given tool, which comes with maturity for employing right honest principles; the trustworthy ones are not taken over, which would dishonor their rights, but are simply given short, insightful, positive, answers that importantly -- do no harm to others. These are some of the benefits and topics covered here.

Here goes and just stay with the "continued" entries here. . .

Kelly La Sha - New Discussion On The Changes Happening In The Universe

Hey grab your boards, we are surfing between shamanism, galactic suns, and the vibes between the brain and the heart. Just in time, before that 2013 wave sneaks its way in. It might look like New Years Eve...but I think its going to feel like a big love way. Find out more about my guest Kelly La Sha at liquidmirror.org.

Best UFO Sightings Of 2012 - Worldwide

Project Camelot: GE - LIBOR - NEXT STOP NYC?

Source Link

In following the trail from Aurora to the Sikh shootings to Sandy Hook it seems to be leading us in the direction of "Gotham".  This is what worries me.

If you are among those who have seen the maps from the Batman Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" you already know that both Aurora and Sandy Hook were clearly marked on the map.  

(See this link for the more on maps etc of Gotham):

Given that Aurora happened at the showing of the movie the connection cannot be more obvious.  But if one follows this scenario, where does the movie lead?  It centers around Gotham (NYC) and a free energy weapon hidden underground which is turned into a bomb that could destroy the city... The movie ends with it being flown off shore and detonated...

RTS: The People's Trust- this is only just the beginning

This will be just a short post - sort of a teaser, if you will, to the main article that I need to write as it's knocking on my head.

I have spoken to Heather from The People's Trust twice today for extended periods of time, and I will most likely be talking to her again in a little while.  We have only just scratched the surface.

Heather and The People's Trust are the real deal.

The People's Trust does not negate the St Germaine trust, the Wanta money, the World Global Settlements, the global collateral accounts or any other funds- it has safe guarded it all for the people of Earth.

I have a brain that is spiralling in a vortex of unbelievable speed and is trying to get all the pieces put into place, but holy shit, I'm almost overwhelmed with what I've learned today- not just from Heather, but from my own higher consciousness.

.... it has been pointed out to me that I have a role to play in this.  Now I just have to figure out (or remember) what that role is.

I Will be talking to Heather again in a short while, along with AK and Brian and Kauilapele. More to come later tonight my friends!


Max Igan on VeritasRadio.com | A Year 'In Lak Ech' | Segment 1 of 2

Published on Dec 31, 2012
This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at http://www.veritasradio.com to watch the rest.

Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas

S y n o p s i s

The message: Lead by example in everything in all you do. Change you energetic state. Change the way you perceive the world. Change the way you interact with the people around you. Interact with people In Lak Ech, as yourself. Give the people the respect that you would want for yourself and the empathy that you have for yourself. This is how we change the world. We don't really have to do anything. If we start applying ourselves to reality and applying our high energy to the world around us, the world will change by default. This is how it happens. This is the time that it can happen. It has to start now and it has to start with the individual. It has to start with you. This is how to change the world.

Overview Anomalies and Giant UFOs near the Sun - January 1, 2013.

Most of the anomalies you see near the sun are the size of planets!! NASA does not disclose what these cosmic bodies are. What do you think they may be?

Ron Paul's New Year's Message to Congress

Fiscal cliff-diving: US Senate approves last-minute deal

US President Barack Obama speaks before Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner (3rdR) and other cabinet members during a meeting.(AFP Photo / Toby Jorrin)
US President Barack Obama speaks before Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner (3rdR) and other cabinet members during a meeting.(AFP Photo / Toby Jorrin)

The deadline for the ‘fiscal cliff’ has passed in the US, with senators approving a bill to soften the impending tax hikes and spending cuts. Economists warn the austerity measures could send the US back into recession if lawmakers do not act.

The stopgap bill will now be presented to the House of Representatives, where it will face a crucial vote in the Republican-majority lower house.

Senators reached a deal on Monday after a weekend of political wrangling that saw Democrats and Republicans clashing over measures to avert the fiscal cliff. In an almost unanimous vote the Senate voted to approve the bill 89 to 8.

Obama praised the Senate for the new bill and called on the House of Representatives to follow suite and approve the legislation. He called the agreement “the right thing to do for our country” and said the House should pass it “without delay.”

Top Journalists Expose Major Mass Media Cover-ups

Mass Media
Top Journalists Expose Major Mass Media Cover-ups

The riveting excerpts below from the revealing accounts of 20 award-winning journalists in the highly acclaimed book Into the Buzzsaw are essential reading for all who support democracy. These courageous writers were prevented by corporate ownership of the mass media from reporting major news stories. Some were even fired. They have won numerous awards, including several Emmys and a Pulitzer. Help build a brighter future by spreading this news. For a two-page summary of this mass media information, click here.

Jane Akre spent 20 years as a network and local TV reporter for news and mass media operations throughout the country. She and her husband, investigative reporter Steve Wilson, were awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for their struggle with mass media ownership related here.

By February 1997 our story was ready to air. It attempted to answer some troubling questions: Why had Monsanto sued two small dairies to prevent them from labeling their milk as coming from cows not injected with [growth hormone rBGH]? Why had two Canadian health regulators claimed that their jobs were threatened – and then said Monsanto offered them a bribe to give fast-track approval to the drug? Why did Florida supermarkets break their much-publicized promise that milk in the dairy case would not come from hormone-treated cows? And why was the US the only major industrialized nation to approve this controversial genetically engineered hormone?  (p. 211)

Obama authorizes five more years of warrantless wiretapping

U.S. President Barack Obama (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)
U.S. President Barack Obama (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

Federal detectives won’t need a warrant to eavesdrop on the emails and phone calls of Americans for another five years. President Obama reauthorized an intelligence gathering bill on Sunday that puts national security over constitutional rights.

President Barack Obama inked his name over the weekend to an extension of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, a George W. Bush-era legislation that has allowed the government expansive spy powers that has been considered by some to be dragnet surveillance.

FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, was first signed into law in the 1970s in order to put into place rules regarding domestic spying within the United States. Upon the passing of the FAA in 2008, however, the online and over-the-phone activities of Americans became subject to sweeping, warrantless wiretapping in instances where investigators reasonably suspect US citizens to be engaged in conversation with persons located outside of the country.

Happy New Year - 2013!

AnimatedNewYearGreeting2013 thumb1 New Year Messages you should Send...

Memorable moments are celebrated together.

Hope this 2013 year bring happiness  for  you 
Just as a New Bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around… May the New Year add a New Beauty and freshness into your Life… Happy New Year…

You are a dreamer,
and you are an achiever.
May you dream and achieve bigger feats,
with every passing year.
All the best for the new year.