Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sheldan Nidle Update for April 9, 2013

6 Muluk, 17 Mac, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your reality is extremely close to its major shift in consciousness. The secret sacred societies of your world have entered into new alliances which are to serve them well once your new style of governance comes into being. We have assurances from several governmental organizations that once Heaven gives the green light the new reality can begin without further delay. We continue to monitor the dark cabal as it is clear that this group remains determined to pursue its willful and destructive course of starting a widespread military conflict. This will not be permitted. We also continue to add names to the detention lists and watch closely those who are the guiding hand behind the ongoing nonsense of keeping your globe burdened with contrived, groundless confrontations. This global modus operandi will shortly become a thing of the past and your ascension path will cease to be interfered with or sidetracked, as it has been in recent years. Your new epoch is inevitable and our formal arrival will shortly be announced. To this end we have drawn up a rapid-action schedule for our arrival so as to be ready at a moment's notice.

   The new epoch will be characterized by more than just the removal of the dark's life-crushing agendas, for you are to be presented with a cornucopia of new information and truth. Those who have worked hard to establish the global segue into your new epoch have already liberated you from the reign of the US Federal Reserve. This illegal 'bank' is now bankrupt, and is seen to be operating only because its new caretakers do not yet wish to impose the reality of the situation upon the general public. They intend to maintain this illusion of 'stability' only up until the formal changes are allowed to happen. And so we monitor this ruse, knowing that an entirely new financial and monetary system is in place and awaiting the magic moment when Heaven gives us the official go-ahead. Until then we remain in our holding pattern. All we can say at the moment is that we are in a holding pattern until Heaven formally decrees that this age of spiritual darkness is over.

OPPT Working With Indonesian Royals? Neil Keenan On The Way Out?

Received this information via email.
Dear E,

I read the article you linked to yesterday regarding Neil Keenan. Figured I'd send you a portion of an email I received a few days ago. I won't pretend to be in a position to state that it's the truth but it comes from someone who'd know. I pass this along only because it resonated with me as truth. 


....Interpol finally arrested Soros late last week. _______ And I'd like to put something else on your radar. There's a retired Mountie named Deryl Zeleny. A while back he was tasked by the Canadian military to investigate domestic threats (and wound up discovering the banks and courts being the biggest ones): americankabuki.blogspot.com/2013/01/rcmp-investigation-of-scotiabank.html

Deryl is part of a brain trust currently figuring out how the Indonesian royals and OPPT folks can combine their efforts. Long story short, the folks with all the gold are now fully backing the OPPT. They've offered everyone in the world $6m in gold, with absolutely no strings attached. 

The Indonesian's utmost priority is ending poverty and the destruction of the environment, and they've been immensely saddened by decades of having no luck getting this accomplished. And at the same time they've dealt with having to watch almost helplessly as the Cabal steals their assets time and time again. They were devastated to learn the Keenan was just another agent attempting to gain control of their gold holdings, in a string of many throughout the years.

So the OPPT folks have conditionally agreed to work with the royals to help implement some "bridge funding" before all this free energy/black ops tech begins to roll out, en masse; we're almost there. But the deal is the financial system must collapse first. The cabal still has the means to partially regroup if there were to be a release of funds to the world today.

The Indonesian royals are beginning to distance themselves from Keenan "publicly" (openly behind the scenes) and have likely severed all their remaining connection with him. From everything we can tell, they discovered his CIA/Bush Camp allegiances, as well as possible drug trade ties. Keenan must now rely on a group of highly talented former agency operatives, currently serving as his PR staff (DB, JH, etc.) here in the States to provide cover as he contemplates how to restart his efforts.  Personally, I highly doubt that he will. 

PS: Keep a close eye on former OPPT Trustee Caleb Skinner. The project that he's working on will blow your socks off. Think a non evil version of Facebook that actually benefits humanity.

The man who jailed a thousand bankers tells us how to do it

The man who jailed a thousand bankers tells us how to do it; Twice the size of the US economy exposed offshore; and Wall Street circles the nation's last assets. Seek truth from facts with former senior financial regulator Bill Black, The Price of Offshore Revisited author James Henry, former Wall Street executive Richard Eskow, Econned author Yves Smith, economists Stephanie Kelton and Dean Baker, and chief vampire squid Lloyd Blankfein

Occupy Monsanto Holds Eat-In For GMO Labeling

Big Pharma made $711 bln overcharging seniors and disabled

AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan
AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan
The 11 largest drug companies have made $711 billion in profits in just a decade, largely due to overcharging Medicare, which does not seek out competitive prices and uses taxpayer funds to support Big Pharma.

Since Medicare is prohibited from purchasing drugs based on their cost, its prescription drug program has been making large payouts to drug companies that have overcharged the program for years, according to an analysis by Health Care for America Now (HCAN).

“There is nothing wrong with a company making profits – that’s what their supposed to do. But the drug industry’s profits are excessive as a result of overcharging American consumers and taxpayers,” writes Ethan Rome, executive director of HCAN, for the Huffington Post. “We pay significantly more than any other country for the exact same drugs.”

Rome notes that per capita drug spending in the US is 40 percent higher than in Canada, 75 percent greater than in Japan, and nearly 300 percent greater than Denmark.

Big Win For 9/11 Truthers: UK Man Wins Historic Court Case Against BBC's Cover-Up of 9/11 Evidence

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

 UK Man Wins Historic Court Case Against BBC's Cover-Up of 9/11 Evidence

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 9-Apr-2013 09:32:35

.UK Man Wins Court Victory Over BBC for 9/11 Coverup Broadcast Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day. So Rooke said the BBC had to have had prior knowledge to a terror attack making them complicit in the attack. He presented the BBC footage to the judge along with a slew of other evidence, and the judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable case to protest. Rooke was found not guilty and he was not fined for failure to pay the licensing fee.

Fun Post: Top Ten Cute Sleepy Pets

GaiaPortal Update for April 9, 2013

Current “Difficulties” and the “No Escape” Paradigm…

gaia_energy1“Difficulties”, as some term “events not in alignment with individual-desire-perceived pathways”, are being exposed via the enlarged Gaia Portal Light Grid complex. This Grid “complex” is a combination of several multi-dimensional Grids, emplaced* so as to allow the “no escape” paradigm to be maintained at the forefront of individual awareness.

All humans, as well as Hue-persons, are living within this “no escape” paradigm, at this now moment in time.

Those with awareness of the current “no escape” paradigm will understand the purpose of “difficulties” now presenting within energy spaces.

Embracing the “difficulties”, releasing the “desire bases”**, and allowing solutions to enter via Higher Mind, will allow smoother passage through these now moments.

[* ÉirePort note: click for definition of emplaced]
[** ÉirePort note: "bases" = plural of "basis"]


Cobra Update April 8, 2013

Short Situation Update

Clearing of the etheric Archon grid is progressing slowly, but effectively. This clearing must be completed before the Event can happen.

Due to certain security related issues in the beginning of 2013 the clearance to publish detailed intel from the Resistance was withdrawn in January. Probably some of you have noticed that not much substantial intel was published in my blog since then. This situation is now finally being resolved and I will be again able to slowly publish more, especially after the activation of the portal on May 25th.

Galactic energies preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th are beginning to accelerate. Venus-Mars conjunction this weekend was the initial trigger point of that process, bringing some much needed balance in relationships between male and female polarity. Partial lunar eclipse on April 25th will bring much of the remaining anomaly of the implant hemispheres into the awareness of the surface based Lightworkers so that it can be processed and transmuted through conscious awareness. Annular solar eclipse on May 10th will bring a strong pulse of Light from the Galactic Central Sun towards the surface of this planet and make the final push for the opening of the portal. And finally, a penumbral lunar eclipse on May 25th will open the portal itself.

There will be no drastic changes in the global financial system before the portal opens. I am not yet allowed to speak about what will happen after.

But one thing is certain. After the portal opens, I will be allowed to release a great part of the Ascension Plan to the surface population, after so many months of delays.