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Thank you, Don Corleone. But really, I don’t mind!
First, I wish to apologize for this Fact
Check being issued in advance of the commencement of the long awaited
event. Please, relax. This is not some announcement or “heads up”.
The following are my words only. I am not writing because of anyone’s instruction or prompting.
The reason I am communicating with our
readers at this time is because I have been reviewing the over 550
comments in FC 122 and I am seeing a slight anxiety that is really
The anxiety was further called to my
attention from the many back channel e-mails requesting more Fact
Checks, for “any further information possible”, or just some bit of hope
that we will soon see the RV and such.
If I could, I would present updates from
the front lines, in real time, all day long. But, that is just not
possible. Of course, there are those on the numerous other guru blogs
that seem to do just that, but we certainly know such landscape is
wanting of accuracy and sometimes is of questionable motive.
Over the last 30 days I have had some
brief communication with our contact. I initiated the communication to
discuss the possibility of issuing a Fact Check on recently released
information that was highly questionable in my mind. But, after
accepting counsel on the matter, it was decided that, at this stage of
the process, to disregard any notions of further checking and continue a
quiet posture and shift attention to planning the important work of the
future. As advised, we issued no such Fact Check. I want you to know
that I really wanted to cover the particular material. But, as Mr.
Spock would say, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one“.
During the aforementioned communication, it was mentioned that things
are going very well. There was no mention of defeat or retreat.
To further assuage any anxious feelings,
please do not lose sight of the reason all of these fine people are
working so hard. They are not gathered in such a large force to prattle
of great visions for the future – and then give up. As mentioned in FC 115, we are going to see the largest financial shift in world history come down the pike, and we better prepare for it. Do so.
As we discussed in the last Fact Check,
there really are no issues of critical importance that require WHA to
make inquiries of our WH friends on a continual basis at this time. The
tone and form of my last several communications with our contact have
been markedly different than in the past. It is similar to the feel of a
business meeting that has reached its conclusion, where everyone in the
meeting knows that further discussion would only be pedantic and
repetitive. At some point the discussions and questions have to stop and
the theoretical ideas in that meeting have to be put into practical
use, or what was the point of the meeting? So, please understand that it
is my judgment, at this time, to continue to suspend further
significant inquiries to our WH contact unless absolutely critical.
Please continue to shift your attention
away from the mechanics of “when” and onto the implementation of your
particular planned contributions and personal financial arrangements.
Let those who are in charge of the WGS, etc., attend to such matters of
“when” and “how”. Those issues are completely and utterly out of our
hands by virtue of the specific station, talents and abilities that only
certain people posses to effect the desired result. Again, focus on
what you CAN do when the time comes.
The few complainers and malcontents that
have shown mental incapacity for such thinking have long gone from our
midst. It is only natural that they have gone, as this environment will
not nurture such behavior. Such indifference and defective thinking is
what got us into such a mess, and it will not get us out of it.
In closing, let me say that our
readership has been very supportive. I am very glad to have met so many
wonderful, caring and supportive people while administering the blog. I
know many of you will make great contributions to supporting the
advancement of social betterment and technological advancement of the
living standards for all, and to foster better relationships with all
nations and people.
Continue to set the good example you
have, remain patient and know that we will post anything we are
instructed to post, if anything, or any other significant news, right
Thank you!