Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ken's Blog Update at

My Third Blog Begins

My son and I are somewhat established in our new place now, so I’ve got my computer back and can begin writing once again. Normally, my moves go much more smoothly because I typically move into a place that’s empty, but this time I’m renting space in my former wife’s home, and she’s been quite busy accumulating material items since we moved out nine and a half years ago. There is a vast amount of decluttering, cleaning, and repair work to be done here.

My “ex” and I aren’t “getting the band back together” or anything like that. We’re simply cohabitating for mutual advantage. This new arrangement allows my son to see his mommy each day, allows my former wife to have extra income during her current career transition (as well as have a caretaker for her home and dogs so she can go visit her family in Korea for as long as she wishes), and allows me to have all the Korean food I can eat. I’m neck-deep in rice, kimchi, and spicy fish stews, and I’m loving it. :-)

So far, we’re getting along quite well. With all the expectations and complications of marriage, romance, and sex out of the way, all that’s left is two old friends joking and laughing together. Besides, if a sexual situation ever arose, I’m not sure I’d know what to do anyway. After 4 years of celibacy, I’ve forgotten most of what I know about sex (although I do seem to remember something about a hole).

The only trace of the old relationship that remains is her insistent urgings for me to stop “wasting my life” writing for free and start making “lots of money.” To mollify her, I’ve been thinking of moneymaking ideas, and I think I have a few winners…

1) When she suggested that I use one of her scented candles in my bedroom, I came up with an idea for a line of candles that will feature scents that men enjoy, such as Grilled Meat, Used Panty, Napalm in the Morning, and for Freemason/Elite customers, Goat Stank.

2) Since the “elite” are concentrating most of the world’s money into their own hands, I decided to come up with something that will appeal to them. So I settled on the idea of hosting a 3-day conference, Kabbalahpalooza 2014. It will feature seminars of interest to Bloodline folk, such as…

When Your Demon Stops Calling: maybe “he’s just not that into you”

Brute Force or Cunning Deception: finding your own style in exploiting the weak
And for musical entertainment, what could be more appealing to Blood Cult devotees than this band?
Switching gears a bit, you may have noticed that my old blog has been nuked into oblivion by Godaddy’s transition from their Quick Blogcast platform to a Managed WordPress platform. But I’ll try to consolidate, update and repost as many of my old entries as possible. In the meantime, you can find many of my old entries on…

enerchi’s blog
…or in…
the Wayback Machine.

All the entries from before May 2013 are from my “first blog” and are obsolete (that was back when I was stumbling through all the false-light deception), and all the entries from May 2013 through June 2014 are from my “second blog” (when I came out swinging against the false-light BS). We’re now in my “third blog” of course, and when I ponder what shape it will take, the word “coup de grace” comes to mind.

And so we begin anew once again. Much love to all….