2014 07 23
By Nick Redfern | Mysterious Universe
Well, now, this is interesting. In fact, it’s very interesting.
Over at the Department of Defense’s website you can find a file that has been declassified via the Freedom of Information Act on the subject of Project Pandora (which, to a significant degree, was focused on Cold War secrets, and how microwaves can affect the mind and body).
It’s a fascinating file that dates back decades. It’s a lengthy file, too; it runs to nearly 500 pages and is comprised of a number of notable documents. But, here’s the weird thing, if you scroll down to page 449, you’ll see that it contains a copy of the controversial “MJ12/Eisenhower Briefing Document” on the Roswell UFO affair of 1947!

Of course, as most people within Ufology know, the document is one that has been the subject of much debate regarding its authenticity or otherwise. Indeed, the copy of the EBD in the Pandora file has a hand-written note on it stating that: “This cannot be authenticated as an official DoD document.”
Well, that’s fair enough, and something that most people within Ufology would agree with – it has not been authenticated. But, here’s the issue, what is a copy of the EBD doing in a DoD file on Project Pandora?
Let’s look at what we know.
Read the full article at: mysteriousuniverse.org