Major fall offensive against Nazionists begins despite continuing cabal threats of mass murder
The summer is ending and the Satan-worshipping cabalists are
trembling in fear of what will come their way this autumn, according to
White Dragon Society, CIA and Chinese government and other sources.
However, instead of anything dramatic happening, the cabal will be left
to continue its slow motion implosion as new international structures
continue to be put in place to by-pass their financial control systems,
the sources say. The mathematics of finance and the real economy are
working irrevocably against the cabal governments in the US and Israel
so, time is on the side of the 188 nation BRICS alliance. Just like it
is best to wait for a sick lion to die instead of trying to pick a fight
with it, the cabal is inevitably sinking so there is no need to do
anything rash.Nonetheless, there might also be something more dramatic actions planned but obviously they will not be announced in advance. We can hint, however, that these planned moves involve
gold, silver, and, for some, lead.
The cabal, for its part, is continuing to produce one fake fear-mongering media event after the other in an effort to manipulate the opinions of a steadily shrinking audience of brain-washed believers. To this end the cabal has recently staged the fake beheading of a journalist in the Middle East, orchestrated race riots in the US, attempted to reignite a cold war with Russia, tried to start a global Ebola pandemic, threatened to blow up Chicago, LA and New York etc.
The people who wrote the Mossad motto “by way of deception, thou shalt make war,” obviously never read the parable about the boy who cried wolf. The lies and fake incidents are no longer believed by most informed people, especially in the world’s military and intelligence organizations. Instead of creating the desired effect of herding the sheeple in predetermined directions, the recent staged events have caused profound disgust throughout the world’s governments, armed forces and other agencies with the ability to actually fight if necessary.
That is why senior members of the Nazionist cabal are frantically looking for some place to escape what they see as an inevitable purge.