By JoeyV

The following is a recently posted status on a spiritual/new age/ascension group's facebook page and my response to it. I thought to share this where I could. My intention is to generate conversation on the subject so... let's talk about it!
The post:
"Unless the heart chakra is activated and the third eye is awakened, it is impossible to perceive the mystical angelic dimensions surrounding us. Heart has the key to intuition, to the opening of the right brain hemisphere. Death of ego and the birth of compassion opens the doors of the other 10 DNAs.
Blessings of the divine kosmos"
This is indicative of a group operating from the green vMeme of Spiral Dynamics. Blessings of the 'divine kosmos' seems to be in direct (or indirectly?) reference to David Wilcock's website, divinecosmos and David is without a doubt still stuck in the green, so to speak.
-for more on Spiral Dynamics, http://forum.antiquatis.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=100
The response:
The heart is key yes, and intuition a rationalizing sense in the temporal, unseen inverse universe (time/space) where these other dimensions are experienced, but I cannot see evolution coming to a species near us by way of annihilating the ego.
I feel that there is a misconception here. Two aspects of our existence have been blended into a nemesis for us, by us (sic) to keep us locked into a state of competition with self; the shadow/anima/soul/psyche that is our temporal existence in the inverse universe, unseen to us in our normal waking state, and the ego.
-for more on shadow/anima check outhttp://forum.antiquatis.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1525&p=10141
I believe the negative connotations inherent with present day discussion, and the subsequent attempt at destruction of our ego comes from not understanding and negatively associating the shadow with 'the dark side'. The shadow is simply that which is our existence in the cosmic realm of time-space. It is yin to our waking yang of our physical experience.
"Good" and "bad" are perceptive labels placed on a situation, person, or circumstance based on the valuing systems that are established in each person from a young age. How we value any given aspect of our reality is subject to change over time, and it can be stated by many, myself included,that while good and bad were real to us before, they no longer exist to us in the same way that they once did.
Now comes the ego. It is suggested by many in the spiritual community that this aspect of our being must be eliminated in order for conscious evolution to occur, on the grounds that it wants, and wanting is "bad", but this doesn't make it so. The feelings and desires of want that we attribute to the ego, I feel, stem from our "birth" of consciousness/Spirit into this state of expression we call life, and are a microscopic reflection of the macrocosmic desire of consciousness/Spirit as a whole, to be. We each ask ourselves at some point, do I want this life? For me the answer was the internal observation, that I would not be if I did not desire it.
Is it a healthy practice to temper our level of want that we may focus our energies elsewhere? Absolutely! This doesn't mean we must shift into a perfect state of not wanting and service to others. It means we take stock of who we are and the things in our lives and shift to a state of gratitude for that which we have, and not let those things we coexist with to have control over us. It means knowing that we each are enough. We are not lesser or greater than any other being in existence but rather we are equally important and integral to the functionality of this vast cosmos that we are each a part of.
I see evolution not in destroying that which is the representation of the characteristics that make each of us unique, but rather in the shift in awareness and conscious interaction from the accepted norm that is competition to its inverse "evolved" modality: rapport.
Rapport is, at its simplest, working together in cooperation. There is never a VS with rapport. There is, however, always an US (and I'm not referring to the corporate entity that constantly motivates us to stay in competition).
We can instigate this shift in awareness by realizing when we see two anythings in competition that they are usually two opposing sides of the same coin. When we realize this we can see how our competitive focus was only ever on half of the matter. See the coin as it is, and release its control on how it effects us physically/emotionally/psychologically/spiritually.
The 'win' doesn't come from one side having beaten another (in this case self overcoming the ego). The 'win' comes from the awareness that without one something to place in opposition of another something, there would not then come the desire to co-operate as a reciprocal alternative, the understanding that each something gave its opposing something meaning and purpose, and the realization that inevitably, the somethings had been working together all along to create new ways for consciousness/Spirit to explore/experience. This, to me, is the way towards truly evolving as unique units of consciousness/Spirit.