Facing the mathematical certainty of defeat, the cabal is negotiating a surrender
Anybody who understands finance and geopolitics can now see clearly
the Nazi/Zionist cabal faces the mathematical certainty of defeat. It is
also very clear the United States is on the brink of revolution. That
is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the
White Dragon Society and their allies.The surrender terms being offered by the WDS will be detailed below but first let us review the latest indications of cabal defeat.
First of all the deaths of, and attacks on, senior cabalists continue. Nazi/Zionist banker Emilio Botin, Chairman of Santander Bank, the second biggest bank in the Euro area, died suddenly on September 9th or 10th (see MI5 comments about him at end of article). Also the King of Sweden, one of the last cabal monarchs to cling to his throne, nearly died last week in an automobile “accident.”
Then Skull and Bones murderer and US corporate government Secretary of State John Kerry was ridiculed on live TV about ISIS while insulting signs were held up behind him.
This was followed by cabal propaganda outlet the New York Times putting out a story saying that ISIS was a creation of the CIA. Then armed intruders broke into the White House twice last week. None of these events could have taken place without senior agency and Pentagon backing.
That is probably why representatives of the Rothschild family, the North Koreans, Japanese politicians, and the US military industrial complex all contacted the White Dragon Society last week. Although they each raised separate issues, they all wanted to know what sort of post-cabal regime to expect. The representatives of the Rothschilds, the North Koreans and the Japanese politicians offered to help with the creation of a post-Abe regime in Japan. They were told the Japanese Revolutionary Party, with which this writer is affiliated, has the following agenda:
First, nationalize the Bank of Japan and start issuing government currency to replace BOJ debt notes.
Second, stage a jubilee to write off all debts, public and private.
Third, redistribute wealth by giving all people who live in rental units ownership of those properties. Landlords would continue receiving the equivalent of their rental income in the form of government money. Also, all Japanese assets fraudulently obtained by cabalists would be nationalized and put in a fund to be managed on behalf of the Japanese people
Fourth, Japan would stop financing cabal controlled institutions like the UN, the World Bank and the IMF until they were either totally revamped or replaced with truly representative institutions.
Fifth, Japan would continue to finance the US military and agencies but only on the condition they helped preside over the bankruptcy and restructuring of the corporate government in the United States. This would include presiding over a transition of the military industrial complex into a life affirming benevolent entity.
Sixth, a truth commission will be established to uncover the crimes, including 311, carried out against the Japanese people by the US post-war occupation government.