Saturday, September 20, 2014



… by  *Lon Gibby,  Edited by Preston James

Puppet gate
Puppet gate

Recently a quite detailed snapshot into how the USG functions in secret has emerged incidental to the efforts of **Ambassador Lee Wanta to gain access to Trillions of Dollars which have been confirmed to be his personal property. This Xray view into the inner workings of the Secret Shadow Government occurred in response to the efforts of Ambassador Lee Wanta to collect the Trillions of US Dollars that were awarded to him by a Federal Court.

The following conversation was left on Lee Wanta’s Washington DC Embassy answering machine on September 1, 2014 Labor Day. According to Lee Wanta this conversation was between between Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist and former South Dakota State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad.(1) Apparently these two men had tried to make a conference call to Lee Wanta and when he didn’t answer, they kept talking. This conversation apparently provides a snapshot or Xray into the way that the USG is really run at this time.

Listen Here 

The vast 27 Trillion USD amount of money that Lee Wanta earned honestly engaging in major international currency speculation as President Ronald Reagan’s Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine was part of a well developed plan to end the Cold War peacefully with a win/win solution, and then to revitalize and re-industrialize America. This dynamic plan was was jointly developed between President Reagan and Lee Wanta.

Ambassador Wanta’s first part of his mission as assigned by President Reagan was to bring an end to the Cold War by destabilizing the Soviet Union’s monetary system, while at the same time offering them a win/win solution that was too good to refuse, which they actually did accept. The second part of the plan was to Revitalize and Re-industrialize America, starting with the construction of a coast to coast High Speed Mag Lev Railroad.
History will show that the the Soviet leaders accepted Ambassador Wanta’s proposal and signed an historic General Agreement of Cooperation between the newly formed Russian Federation and the United States of America which is still binding even today.
This was a major historic breakthrough that was kept secret from the public at large until just recently. This General Agreement of Cooperation is historically notable because it ended the Cold War with an economic win/win situation and resulted in the Wall (“Iron Curtain”) coming down which had separated East and west Berlin, East and West Germany, and other Soviet Satellite countries from the free nations of the West.
What has never been public information until lately is that these efforts of Ambassador Wanta have been credited for the end of the Cold War while preventing what seemed to be an almost imminent nuclear WW3 between Soviet Russia and the United States of America. This was a major historical achievement for the United States that Lee Wanta attained and if a Criminal Cabal had not blocked efforts by Lee Wanta to access money which was rightfully his, America would likely have never entered the numerous dysfunctional Mid East Wars and experienced such serious economic declines, especially the recession of 2008 and the lack of real recovery afterwards.

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