The battle for the planet earth is reaching a climax
The battle over the psychological process of deciding what humanity
does in the future is reaching a climax. The most dramatic development
is probably the fact that the so-called ISIS campaign is now becoming a
civil war within the military industrial complex of the sort seen during
the last years of the Roman republic.Also, the old cabal is ramping up its ebola fear campaign in the US even as it is being damped down elsewhere. The 188 nation BRICS alliance, for its part, continues to seek new friends for peaceful development and is succeeding in drawing England, France, Germany and Japan into its orbit.
The BRICS alliance members will make sure the world does not trade US unipolar hegemony for Chinese hegemony. Last week Japanese military forces staged simultaneous military drills with Russia and the United States. The United States military in Japan welcomed this move.
Russia has also staged drills with India, even as the US stages repeated drills with many countries in Asia. This is all aimed at China, multiple sources agree.
According to Marco Di Mauro of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge, in 2008, the last time he went to Asia to negotiate a new financial system with the Chinese, they demanded 80% control of the world’s assets. More recently, he says he was forced to cancel a trip to Asia because he was warned by the Italian secret service the Chinese were planning to have him killed in Manila.
Di Mauro also says that a “Vatican congregation manager” by the name of Rienzi Franco met with Chinese secret service agents in Hong Kong in 2011 and offered China $13 trillion.
If this above is all true, it goes against the deal the White Dragon Society made with the Asians which was that there would be a 50/50 split between East and West with each retaining veto power over their own region.
The point being made by all the drills is that if China tries to take sole control of the planet, there will be war because India, Russia, Japan, Europe, the United States and many other countries will not let that happen.
The goal is to have a multi-polar world along with reformed international institutions capable of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. It is not to replace the dictatorship of the US secret government with the dictatorship of the Chinese communist party.
In any case, the brinkmanship is on the rise these days because the governments of the US, the EU and the UN are all showing visible signs of insolvency.
Last week, for example, evidence emerged the United States of America Corporation has been shut down. The corporation has been removed from the Dun & Bradstreet corporate data base. In addition, the Puerto Rican government’s site lists the:
as “cancelled” (cancelado).
According to British MI5 intelligence, this is the entity that presided over the East Coast of the United States of America, including Washington D.C., Yale University and Skull and Bones. Its’ mandate was cancelled by the French Freemason Grand Orient Lodge, the source said.
This is almost certainly connected to the many suspicious deaths of J.P. Morgan bankers since J.P. Morgan is controlled by the Skull and Bones Bush clan. One aim of the attacks on J.P. Morgan insiders is to gain access to a database of over 119,000 people, including President Barack Obama, who are receiving bribes from the Bushes, according to a CIA source in Asia.
The same source also says there are daily shouting matches in the White House these days, often between Michelle Obama and top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Michelle Obama appears to be getting the best of these encounters, he notes.
A further indication of insolvency in the US is that the Internal Revenue Service has started arbitrarily seizing bank accounts owned by individuals with no criminal or tax evasion record. In the past we have received reports from people who claimed the US government raided safety deposit boxes and also arbitrarily stole millions and in one case hundreds of millions from them. What is different this time is that they are going after accounts with less than $10,000 in them.
There was also another sign that it is not business as usual for the Federal Reserve Board to be seen on the Chinese government’s Xinhua News site. It is a series of eight photographs showing a meeting at the Federal Reserve Board with the subtitle