Glenn Canady
“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!”
Note by Glenn: Please friend me on my Facebook if you spread massive truth! The best way to reach me and get my daily emails about breaking stories is to Join Project Nsearch. I will be announcing free home solar systems there soon and a way to make $500 to $3000 for each system given away so join today! When you join, login and go to the “Ebooks” menu option and you’ll get my free ebooks, “How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth” and “Suppressed Health Secrets” as well as getting the very latest news about free energy devices powering homes and vehicles right now! Be sure to LIKE my “Glenn Canady” Facebook page and the “Veterans Today Truth Wariors” page where we’re take massive action against the NWO as a team! Lastly, subscribe to my Youtube channel and new Twitter account. We are being lied to by our fake news more each day! Let’s WIN this thing by spreading more truth from US Intel than ever before! We WILL do it together!
A report has surfaced today that Eric Holder was made to resign over his failure to prosecute Senator Sheldon Songstad and Governor Don Sundquist over their $30 billion attempted bribe and murder plot to hire hit men to kill Lee Wanta caught on tape and broken first on Before It’s News in this story.
“Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist Caught Red Handed Plotting Murder!”

Senator Sheldon Songstad

Governor Don Sundquist
I was told today that an anonymous source provided this shocking information about Eric Holder to personnel at VeteransToday. Obviously Eric Holder is working with the same people involved with Senator Songstad and Governor Sunquist and has now been rewarded for his non prosecution for their crimes as well as protecting the criminal bankers that have looted America with a $77 Million Job With JP Morgan Chase.
Many attempts have been made to bury this story including having it censored by all mainstream media and most of the fake alternative media including the “tip of the spear” man in Austin Texas who has thus far protected Songstad and Sundquist by spiking the story when it should have been front page on his website for a week instead of the Iodine ads! Rick Wiles of TruNews also failed to report it also when I personally told him about it through his website contact email. In fact, Rick Wiles even shilled for Sheldon Songstad and put him on his radio show to put out government disinformation in the past. When I informed Rick Wiles of the latest story about his friend being caught on tape plotting murder, I was promptly blocked from his Facebook page. That’s how you find out who the trolls and shills are in alternative media. The ones that run from the huge stories are always shills. Funny they are always the same people that censor all the huge data dumps by our patriots and veterans in US Intelligence at VeteransToday. In fact, I believe every single person in alternative media that is not reporting this story should be thoroughly investigated at some point to see if they are working for the shadow government or a foreign power because nobody legitimate would censor the biggest story of 2014! How often do you get a Senator and a Governor caught on tape plotting a murder and taking a $30 Billion bribe!
I do thank all those in alternative media that DID report on this story and all those patriots around the world that shared it! I’m asking all you patriots to do it again! Please post this article and video to all Facebook walls, twitter accounts, email lists and legitimate alternative media websites that WILL do their job and report this huge story! This story also leads to many current Congressmen by what I’ve been told! So this goes much further than Songstad and Sundquist but clearly this story must go viral now to break through the censorship blockade of mainstream and fake alternative media. Don’t let evil win!