Monday, December 29, 2014

Benjamin Fulford Update - December 30, 2014

Cabal suffers huge defeats in 2014 so the 2015 year of the sheep can also be the year of the sheeple

The year 2014 was a nasty one for the Nazionist cabal controlled G7 nations and their shrinking coterie of slave states. Now, the Pentagon is preparing to take the restored Republic of the United States of America into the 188 nation BRICS alliance, a move that would effectively and permanently end cabal rule, according to CIA sources. If cabal rule ends, then a jubilee (a one-time write off of all debts public and private), asset redistribution and a massive push to save the planet will make 2015, the year of the sheep in the Chinese Zodiac, the year of the sheeple.

The latest offensive against cabal rule has resulted in 30 arrests of senior officials in Israel

the disqualification of Benyamin Netanyahu by his own political party

and the fleeing of top Nazionist ruler George Bush Sr. into a hospital to avoid arrest on charges of ordering the murder of President John F. Kennedy and war crimes, including mass murder.

Last week also saw the presentation of evidence indicating the committee of 300, that is supposed to be the secret government of the planet, is losing power. The evidence came in the form of the document that can be seen at the 14 minute mark of this video clip.

We have confirmed from MI5 sources that the document shown is a real committee of 300 document issued in 2010 and signed by among others, Queen Elizabeth, the head of the committee. It is not the still mysterious document signed by Crown Prince William in Washington earlier this month. This document discusses the distribution of 48 trillion US dollars to a series of established power centers. The percentages each group gets indicate where the real power lies in the secret government.
The biggest share, 20% or $9.6 trillion, goes to the “financial agencies of the United Nations,” such as the World Bank Group, the IMF, the International Finance Corporation, the BIS, the Bank of England and the Bank of China. In other words, the bankers get the biggest slice.

Next we see that the UN, the ASBLP group (Philippines), the United Kingdom, China and the Chinese Dragon (royal) family each get 10% or $4.8 trillion. Then, further down the totem pole we see that Queen Elizabeth, the European Union, the Federal Reserve Board, the committee of 300, the Vatican and the “international authorities who signed this,” each get 4% or $1 trillion 920 billion. Think about it, the Federal Reserve Board, the people who own the US corporate government, only get 4%.

Finally some people code named WZH and ASM get 3% and 2% respectively. A final one percent goes into some sort of savings fund.

The first thing to note is that the United Nations takes top position but the head of the UN is selected by hidden rulers using a secret process. The hidden rulers are almost certainly the usual suspects: the Rockefellers, Bushes, Rothschilds etc.

The next thing we need to pay attention to is who is not on this document including Russia, Africa, India, South America, Japan, Germany etc.