Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Katelon Update - January 28, 2015 - Taking Our Power Back!

Taking Our Power Back!

by katelon
Photo from Wikipedia.
What do M and M's have to do with taking our power back?  Be patient....I will get to that in a while :)  They refer to a ritual I created.  But first...some information;
I have read some metaphysical authors talk about the belief that if each individual just faced and healed their own darkness, the world would heal and we could just then move forward in a light based world.  I used to believe that, too, but now, although I believe that is part of the equation, I don't believe it is the only part.  Through the work I've been doing with John, I've learned more about the dark technologies that have been directed at and placed in humanity to keep us in darkness.  I've learned more about the veil that was designed to keep us separate from Source and our divinity,  placed over us at the beginning of each life experience, more effective and present with some people than others.  (I remembered past lives since age 2). And what the dark forces and dark humans couldn't control via these, they made sure to control via false beliefs imbedded in religions, toxins placed in our water, air, food and soil.  I'm not talking about victim consciousness here either, as it is a reality that these people, beings and technologies exist.  So no matter how much inner healing we manage to achieve, these technologies have still existed, and when you throw in dark world governments, dark based economic and financial systems, social structures meant to keep humans enslaved and separate from each other and their divine selves, it makes it hard to shift just our inner reality and make a huge difference.
But.....but......we do have power. We DO have power.  And it is helpful to do our inner work.  I recently read an article by David Hawking I believe it was...not sure...and it talked about how for each person vibrating at a higher vibration of love, helped raise up others, many others, that were stuck in fear or anger.  Just notice the feeling of walking into a room after there has been an argument in it, or watching the news, and feel the density of the energy vs. walking into a calm, peaceful garden, or a home filled with love.    So how you feel about yourself and others DOES make a difference.  As each of us does our inner work to face and release old limiting beliefs, habits and perceptions, we help shift the environment around us, which helps raise the consciousness of the planet.  The more the consciousness of the planet is shifted, the harder it is for the dark to remain in control.

I feel that the various uprisings around the world, the protests, the occupy movement, those marching in Ferguson demanding a revision of lopsided governing that targets people of color, forces us as individuals and those governing to begin to question their own darkness and begin that important and powerful process of facing and releasing the perceptions that keep us all in fear and reaction.
At the same time though, through these daily sessions I am doing with John, I am seeing first hand how important it has been to work to shut down these dark forces, and dark humans, to assist in moving them to surrender.  This surrender has happened and we are just waiting now for the public announcement to acknowledge this to the world.  Once that happens, the technologies will finish being shut down around the planet and within humans, the clean up can happen to restore our planet to health and wholeness and we will shift onto a timeline of Oneness, and be reunited with our divine selves.  So all the inner work will have served to assist us in getting to this point and in living in Oneness once this shift happens.  Each time someone wakes up, takes back their power, the dark loses and is informed of the loss of their control.
John and I have targeted for this transition to happen with peaceful surrender and not arrests and trials, as that supports a timeline of Oneness and love, and those we are working with in these sessions have been targeting the same.  Even after the shift though, I believe that it will still be important and valid to learn to take back our power.  We will be living in a new world, reconnected to our ability to create and manifest, so we will be adjusting to this new way of being in a new world.

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