Thursday, February 19, 2015

Major Troop Movement in Germany and Holland

"ALERT: Major Troop Movement in Germany and Holland"

I will update this page as new information becomes available- please repost with link to this page for updates.

With the current efforts in the Ukraine to create a major international war, we need to be watching the skys and seas and ground for any troop movements, or unusual sightings.  If you have the ability to record in video or photos, please get footage.   I have friends in Germany and the Netherlands currently tracking in their areas.

Please contact me if you have any information- Skype: d.breakingthesilence  - Skype is the easiest way to contact me as I am online in skype 24/7

Be Alert
Be Prepared
and keep your eyes on the ball!



We Need eyes in Europe- especially NATO nations- near airports and major highways and military bases.  We have confirmed major movement of Military in Germany(US) and Holland (Dutch).

LAST NIGHT- Wed Feb 18, 2015:

*Highway closures in Germany- rerouting traffic- massive military Convoy out of  Ramstein AF Base (US).

"3:30am the Autobahn in the direction of Mannheim was shut off- it was clear that it was American Vehicles behind the Barricade"

*Highway closing (probably highway 6) from last night definitely was for military purposes.

* Received at 11pm gmt wed night: Latest from Germany- there are also massive flights out of  Ramstein- US Air Force Base

* Grafenwoehr (Bavaria) Train Station- the military vehicles are moving also

THIS MORNING- Thurs. Feb 19, 2015:

* 9:40am GMT: "2nd batch of heavy transport planes taking off here"  Leeuwarden military airport- Dutch Military.

*1:19pm GMT "3rd batch of heavy transports"  - clarifying : C130 Hercules, no identifying marks visible, out of Leeuwarden military airport.