Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saddam Hussein Documentary: The Trial you will never see

Documentary showing the countries involved that helped saddam become the powerful monster he was. The people who died were not just killed by saddam hussein. 

2007 – A very good documentary about how Saddam Hussein was actively supported by the United States and other Western powers to get sophisticated arms, intelligence and chemical weapons to fight Khomeini’s Iran, everyone’s bogeyman of the 1980s. Human Rights violations by Saddam Hussein were criminally ignored by the United States and others, as long as he fought Iran, and right until the run up to his invasion of Kuwait. This documentary will shatter the notion of the United States and others as human rights champions, as Saddam Hussein’s killings were always known to the United States State Department and White House. This documentary at last let’s us know what Saddam’s sham trial in Baghdad was never meant to reveal to everyone.