Saturday, February 28, 2015

There’s already a conspiracy theory brewing over net neutrality

"Net Neutrality: The Act to Smother the Flames"

While the talking heads of the Main Stream Media are singing  "Glory Hallelujah" to the Ode of "Net Neutrality", the people who actually have a brain capable of rational thought are pounding their heads on their desks at the gullibility of the public to actually buy into this schtick.  It boggles my mind that there are so many people, even those in some of the alternative media outlets known for outing the usual garbage, that are eating up this crap, licking their plate and asking for more.

Let me point out the most important point of ALL of this shit:


Why haven't we seen it?  Why hasn't it been released to the public?  If this is such a wonderful new law, that allows unicorns to fart rainbows all over the internet like a force field of public protection, then why is it being kept away from public scrutiny? ....


The Washington Post: There’s already a conspiracy theory brewing over net neutrality

Why won't they release the rules?!?!

It's been less than 24 hours since the Federal Communications Commission voted to approve strict new regulations on Internet providers, but that's the leading question coming from its critics.