Tuesday, March 3, 2015


McKenzie Friends, Facebook Enemies and Hampstead Activists

Sabine McNeill
London, United Kingdom
Mar 3, 2015 — Dear Supporters World Wide,

Here's a HAMPSTEAD HORROR ACTION PLAN that impresses and amuses me: 

Get hold of a large amount of cheap plastic barbie sized dolls. The more broken and mangled, the better. Take red nail polish, and pour it all over the naked dolls.

Once nail polish is dry, take dolls and post them through the letter box slot of all the local businesses on the high street of Hampstead, and Highgate Village, when they are closed for business… i.e. very early morning.

Be sure to attach a tag to each doll saying “STOP CULT RITUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN IN HAMPSTEAD” with a website or facebook group included for further reference: www.whistleblowerkids.wordpress.com andwww.tinyurl.com/savethewhistleblowerkids

Anybody wishing to participate in this action, and does not live in the Hampstead area, or perhaps is abroad, we would like to suggest that you get some cheap plastic dolls, pour nail polish over it, wait for it to dry, and then post it to the following address:
A. Bench; Parliament Hill; Hampstead; NW3 LONDON

Even if the Royal Mail do not deliver you dolls to a bench on Parliament Hill, there are so many postal workers at Mount Pleasant Postal Sorting office that will see a mass of bloody (red nail polish) dolls coming through the postal sorting rooms.

In fact, if you can not afford the postage, don’t even pay for postage, just jam every postbox full of bloody dolls.
Benches full of dolls, a pile of them on Parliament Hill - VISUALS matter! 

Some people spoke about Sunday empowerment meetings – possibly in line with Empowerment Mondays? See https://www.facebook.com/pages/Empowerment-Mondays-Until-Further-Notice/156664264378725?fref=ts 

I have long been aware of being in a spiritual battle where we each have to decide which side we are on. As McKenzie Friends we have aligned with victims and have attracted 'McKenzie Enemies'. But who would have thought that YouTube and Facebook are McKenzie Enemies? 

Who tells Facebook whom to protect, I wonder?

Well, first one page gone, then my second one 'temporarily locked'. Trying to set up a new account was VERY cumbersome late at night. So I didn’t complete the process, thinking it’s not worth it. 

For only I can do what I started in Brussels. So I better continue along that avenue. Thus I began to publish the international dimensions on https://whistleblowerkids.wordpress.com/the-issues/international/ 

If you have links to videos on Russia Today, please send them to sabine AT globalnet.co.uk. Thank You! 

Otherwise, here's what I wrote: 

Dear Cabinet Office


In the wake of your announcement to Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation, I would like to draw your attention to the biggest CURRENT case of sexual abuse I have assisted as McKenzie Friend since November 2014. 

The abuse is alleged to have been taking place in Hampstead and Highgate schools and is being covered up on many different levels, including the Metropolitan Police. 

I became a whistleblower inadvertently, after I alerted the Home Secretary with this email. But I fled the jurisdiction since LB Barnet and Camden wanted to mount a prosecution against me and had already issued an Injunction Order.

Furthermore, Barnet Police claim to have issued an EU Arrest Warrant against the mother who fled the jurisdiction independently and myself. 

I have campaigned against child snatching aka state kidnapping since 2011. Hence it would be ‘nice’ if your good intentions led to real success stories. Thus I thought I’d give you the opportunity to tackle this worst of all possible cases with your new task forces, setting a positive sign and reversing the trend that has been seriously damaging the UK’s reputation and statistics. 

Please note: 

• the blog for the Whistleblower Kids with its international dimension and over 13,000 hits since 21 February,
• the attached document written for the EU Parliament and Commission, in the context of our petition to Abolish Forced Adoptions in the UK,
• and the petition to Return the Whistleblower Kids that has reached nearly 14,000 signatures in 4 weeks. 

In terms of solution, please consider to:- 

1. Return the children from the care of Barnet Council to the Russian Consul Igor Sergeev whom I Cc;

2. Cancel the supposed EU Arrest Warrants by Barnet Police against the Russian mother and myself (German citizenship, retired resident in Camden) via my solicitor Aseem Taj whom I Cc;

3. Re-open the police investigation by an outside force – as requested by our Judicial Review filed on 22 December 2014 against the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. 
a. The case had been closed prematurely, 11 days after the children were taken into ‘care’ under ‘Police Protection Order’. 

4. Stop the ‘fact finding hearings’ in the High Court under Dame Anna Pauffley OBE. 
a. In our experience, the typical expected outcome is that the children would be handed to the abusive, criminal father.
b. That’s why McKenzie veteran Ian Josephs recommends mothers NOT to report crimes. 
c. This pattern MUST stop and is confirmed by the statistics on page 50 of the report on cross-border abductions: the UK and Wales are way ahead of all other countries! 

Looking very much forward to hearing from you,

Yours gratefully in advance,

Sabine K McNeill

PS. Whilst writing, would you be able to find out who would stage internet cover-ups and instruct YouTube to take down videos and Facebook to delete one of my two pages and lock me out of the other one, besides banning other account holders?


Co-Founder, Association of McKenzie Friends, > 50,000 visits since Feb 2012
… Public Interest Advocacy while assisting Litigants in Person

Victims Unite! > 400,000 visits since August 2010
... empowering victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression

National Inquiry into Organised, Orchestrated & Historic Child Sexual Abuse
…on behalf of the children, whistleblowers, victims and supporters > 25,000 visitors since July 2014

The Portuguese Pedro Family - their 5 stolen children promised to return
... arrested and kept in cell for 12 hours – as punishment for petitioning in Brussels

Petitions Committe of EU Parliament on 19 March 2014
...Abolish Adoptions without Parental Consent remains open in Brussels 

Dossier of Online Evidence, 12 pages in support of our petition 
...statistics, media coverage and human outcries 

Punishment without Crime, > 60,000 visits since April 2012
… a follow-up from www.forced-adoption.com
