Thursday, May 7, 2015

David Wilcock's Newest Article - "Secret Space Program: Countdown to Exposure!" - May 6, 2015

Secret Space Program: Countdown to Exposure!

The truth is far, far stranger than fiction. We can barely even imagine the world we will have once the Secret Space Program is exposed and the change is complete. Very tangible steps are now being made in that direction!


Are we surrounded by multiple different groups of intelligent, humanlike ETs?

Have they been interacting with our planet throughout our entire recorded history?

For some, the answer has become "Yes, of course."

Disclosure will have an undeniably vast, revolutionary and unstoppable effect.

Once this becomes common knowledge, the effect on our civilization will be undeniably vast, revolutionary and unstoppable.

The wait for an official disclosure -- for any type of formal acknowledgement of the truth -- has been agonizingly slow and protracted.

It is easy to lose hope; to feel beaten down and defeated by seeing the same old games playing themselves out over and over again.

However, the fact that "full disclosure" hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't.
The forces preventing disclosure seem all-powerful to many who have studied this -- but bigger kids on the playground have since arrived.

We have been fortunate enough to have direct contact with insiders who are working for a secret alliance that is actively defeating the Powers That Were.

How did this happen? Part of it was the legacy: we have maintained an online platform since 1996, and launched this website in February 1999.

The Internet was so new when we started that there were hundreds of paranormal subjects where we were the only site that came up on keyword searches.

I do feel very blessed to be where I am. Working 14+ hours a day, 7 days a week on this stuff since July 1998 has been a labor of love and service.

By May 2001 I had already written three full-length books on cutting-edge alternative science entitled the Convergence series, and published them here for free.

The cool part about gaining the trust of insiders is the longer you last and the more of them you know, the more likely you are to have new people show up.

One of those insiders has now come forward in video testimony we taped here at Divine Cosmos headquarters, and will be releasing for free on YouTube once the massive scope of the project is complete.

For those who are already clamoring for it, bear in mind that quality is much more important than speed with something this significant.

With that being said, the Alliance is urging us to finish it as soon as possible.  :)

The Cabal responsible for the cover-up is not going to stay secret much longer. We will soon have a surprise that dwarfs any other event in recorded history.

Everyone's lives will be irreversibly altered once this event happens.

All prior movies, TV shows and media discussions will immediately become hopelessly outdated -- like folksy black-and-white programs from "the old days."

Many aspects of our society, including popular movies and music, will be forever altered in the eyes of the public.

We will learn that the same group has been covertly manipulating our society and creating wars since at least the times of the Roman Empire.

There will be a tremendous amount of shock and surprise -- but also relief that the torture finally came to an end.

The people who risked their lives to tell others the truth will suddenly go from zeroes to heroes.

The paparazzi will have a whole new slew of public figures to start shoving their cameras and microphones at.

Additionally, once this process begins, it won't take long before we hear absolute proof that we are "not alone."

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