Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hampstead Children Update - August 7, 2015

Ella & Abraham’s legal team withdraw

Today 06-07-15 in court at the RCJ, Ella & Abraham’s Legal team withdrew from the proceedings in the now notorious Hampstead Cover Up case.

Judge Pauffley, representing the judiciary, persisted in her ****
The hearing today was not Article 6 compliant, denying Ella’s Article 6 rights to a fair trial, hence the strategic withdrawal. 

The Judicial attempt to again ride roughshod over E.U. and U.K. laws and guidelines exposes their evil intent . 

“Alleged” actor, ***** ********  was visibly disturbed by the adroit manoeuvre of Ella’s legal team.

Made up to disguise his identity, due to increasing public anger and awareness of the veracity of the childrens’ testimony, ******** was unable to maintain his composure, as his anger and frustration at the direction of today’s hearing revealed his true nature, when he aggressively approached and confronted one of the the childrens’ young supporters in an attempt to threaten and intimidate the young man ,who fearlessly stood his ground.  ******** had to be restrained by members of his legal team. 

Listen to this exclusive recording at today’s care proceedings hearing, and make up your own mind. 

Is this why Barnet Local Authority have heavily redacted Tavistock Psychiatrist Dr. Claire Sturge’s Psychiatric assessment ?

Why is the Judiciary willing to continue this travesty of justice by covering for someone many now consider to be Savile Mark 2 ?

What next for the children, and all innocent victims of this cult ?

YOU decide.



Message from E and A 6 Aug. 2015:

“Court Hearing . Our legal team withdrew from the legal process  due the fraudulent hearing not being Article 6 compliant. Documents ordered to be served by Munby in their entirety have been redacted and withheld thereby denying Ella Gareeva to a fair trial.”

[the legal team still represent E+A].

The views expressed are those of the writer alone.   The other side say that the Child Satanic Ritual killings are an elaborate hoax extracted from the children through the use of torture.


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