Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Just In Case You Missed It - October 16th, 2015 Keshe Releases Free Energy Technology To The World & Plans To End World Hunger - Don't Miss This Video Update


Fellow Earthlings, Keshe has come full circle for humanity with an invention called a 'Plasma Energy Unit'. In this video, he explains how plasma is going to catapult us into the future we've been told that we have awaiting us. I'm speaking of the future that we are standing on the edge of a precipice on. Keshe is virtually closing the gap completely on its arrival. We have to wait no longer!

Here are some highlights of the 3 hour conference, one you will want to listen to again and again.

It all starts with World Peace and includes space travel and world travel literally within minutes with no borders on any country.

He has created a 'Plasma Energy Power Unit', and this technology is faster than the speed of light. He plans to use the Plasma Unit as leverage to bring about World Peace at the Peace Conference on October 16th in Rome, Italy. The only way that the representatives of every country can receive a unit is to agree to sign a World Peace Treaty.

I believe that this could very well be the culmination of the people of the world praying, meditating and calling for WORLD PEACE all of these years, coming to fruition through Keshe's invention.

Some of the benefits of the Plasma Power unit are as follows:

The unit is designed specifically to be affordable to every person on the planet. For a cost of $200 so every home can generate power and not be reliant on power companies. For those who cannot afford the unit funding will be available from many sources around the world.

We will be able to maintain a heating as well as cooling system in our homes. It will maintain a consistent room temperature always and does not require a cooling system itself.

There will also be a unit available for our cars saving thousands of dollars of fuel costs. There will be no more need for crude oil! He is urging the sale of oil to cease as it will no longer be needed.

There will also be no need for a backup generator. There is no copyright and it cannot be copyrighted.

This is also the answer to helping our climate change expeditiously to be cleaner.

We have been hearing over the years from people such as Sheldon Nidle that we will become Galactic Citizens and be able to travel the Universe. Until now, no one has explained how.

Sheldon also specifically explained that we will be able to travel across the world via 'Teleporters', literally within minutes... but again, no explanation as to how. Sheldon mentioned in one of his seminars that he'd actually seen the unit and it resembled an enclosed TV cabinet. The way Sheldon described that it worked is precisely the way that Keshe explained how the Plasma Unit works.

If you research Plasma, you will find that it plays a very important role in our body as well as the important role it plays in our Universe.

Keshe reminds us that the result of our interaction with the plasma depends our vibration as...it is ambient. In essence, we can communicate with the unit.

So October 16th 2015 is a very important date for Humanity. It may very well mark a point in 'time' for a change that we have been working toward for centuries and has finally arrived because we are ready.

Keshe repeatedly says it doesn't matter whether a country will sign the Peace Treaty because the units will go out worldwide regardless. Keshe says that within the next 6 to 12 months our world will have changed drastically for the better as manufacturing will have created enough units around the world.

So....cheers! Here's to our future. We really are the ones we've been waiting for. Many Galactics have continually said that they cannot do the work for us.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mr. Keshe!