Friday, November 27, 2015

Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order

Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order

On the morning the Turks downed the Russian airliner, I stumbled across this article from notorious disinformation mill Veterans Today…


It is such a good example of East/West dialectic propaganda and the “Putin as Savior” con that I decided it would be a good teaching tool for helping people to get real. And given all the confusing narratives that swirl around Putin and the current world situation, I think the best approach is to focus on two fundamental, telling things…

1) Putin’s cooperation in the globalists’ 9/11 operation, and
2) Putin’s promotion of the globalists’ UN as the solution to our current woes.
So let’s get started…


Even if one looks at Vladimir Putin from a naive, conventional perspective, he is a former KGB officer and is therefore fully familiar with the concept of false-flag terror. This being the case, it would not have escaped his attention that on the day of the 9/11 attacks, three New York high-rises fell after only two were hit by aircraft. So as an intelligence professional, he would have known that something was fishy on the very first day. And in the days following the attacks, Russian intelligence merged with holes in the US government’s official story would have made the inconsistencies quite glaring. This raises an obvious question…

Why did he spend the next 14 years playing along with the 9/11 “Official Story”?

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